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This dongle allow to have all the functions of the Infinity box at a smaller price. Cables and box are not included.
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Infnity box dongle with Chinese miracle activation

EDL cable is a specially designed cable for putting Qualcomm phones into Deep Flash model, also called Qualcomm 9008 mode.


Infinity-box dongle Description

As the name suggests Infinity Box is your key to the infinite opportunities that the mobile phone software business has to offer in the future. With the rapid growth of Mobile Phone business and new models coming up virtually every week your business needs a tool to stay up to date with the market demand. We at infinity box strive to give you that key advantage over your competitors.

Features of "Chinese Miracle" module

  • automatic phone structure detection: this means that you can also service phones that not shown in supported models list, just find a pinout and be sure that your phone based on MT62xx CPU and you will be able to flash/unlock/repair this phone.
  • repair dual-sim (dual-CPU) models: work with Rx_A/Tx_A, Rx_B/Tx_B pinouts to repair firmware for both CPU
  • repair imei for mono-sim and dual-dual models with different methods (MT6205, MT6223 dual configurations suppported too)
  • repair imei for single SIM/CPU models
  • repair master imei (sim-1) for dual SIM (dual CPU) models
  • repair slave imei (sim-2) for dual SIM (dual CPU) models
  • repair master imei (sim-1) for dual SIM (single CPU) models
  • repair slave imei (sim-2) for dual SIM (single CPU) models
  • repair slave imei (sim-3) for triple SIM models
  • automatic memory size detection
  • direct sp-unlock phones with unknown firmware (autodetection algorithm)
  • direct unlock user code phones with unknown firmware (autodetection algorithm)
  • format filesystem: autodetect ffs structure and size, backup ffs before format
  • reset to defaults phones with unknown firmware (autodetection algorithm)
  • write/Read flash for phones with unknown structure (autodetection algorithm)
  • write/Read eeprom for phones with unknown structure (autodetection algorithm)
  • firmware version autodetect
  • automatic firmware version detection and save original firmware version information in Log file during flash/format (very important for repair phones w/o backup)
  • language list autodetect
  • repair "Power-On problem" for MT6205, MT6208, MT6217, MT6218, MT6219, MT6223, MT6225, MT6226, MT6227, MT6228, MT6229, MT6230, MT6235, MT6238, MT6239, MT6253, MT6268 CPU based models after full flash w/o backup, erased flash etc.
  • repair/recalculate security area (five different security area types supported) to repair dead phones based on MT6223, MT6225, MT6226, MT6227, MT6228, MT6229, MT6230, MT6235, MT6238, MT6239, MT6253, MT6268 CPU
  • upgrade/downgrade phone firmware
  • unlock (remove/clear) network, provider locks
  • read unlock codes: network, provider codes, user/phone code
  • reset phone settings to defaults (factory state)
  • empty board flashing (f.e. after flash chip replacement)
  • make security zone backup during critical operations
  • repair software-related problems
  • repair dead phones
  • "Flash File Manager": easy access to firmware information such as internal firmware name, language names, keyboard codes
  • touchscreen calibration (repair phones with damaged touchscreen)
  • repair "No licensed to produce" fault
  • repair "Bad Software" fault (latest MT6223, MT6225, MT6226, MT6227 based models)
  • repair "Code CRC Check Error" fault
  • detect language names inside flash file
  • detect keyboard codes inside flash file (for service menu etc.)
  • detect firmware version by flash file
  • detect existing languages by flash file
  • detect keyboard codes by flash file ("Keyboard codes detector")
  • batch flash file rename, version detection, language detection, name conversion
  • save operation process results in Log file
  • huge and most complete in the World flash files database: firmware, repair eeprom, ffs files etc.
  • estimated remaining flash read/write time indication
  • documentation and manuals with step-by-step instructions

Software features

  • Well known GSM and CDMA brands/models supported
  • "Chinese Miracle" MTK based brands/models supported
  • standalone software (no Internet connection required)
  • sp-unlock: unlock (remove/clear) network, provider locks
  • set network, provider locks
  • read unlock codes
  • flash read/write (high speed)
  • write any part of flash separately (firmware, customization, flex, map, file system (ffs), language pack)
  • upgrade/downgrade firmware
  • repair damaged imei
  • remove/clear/read user/phone/lock code
  • reset to default/factory settings
  • repair dead phones
  • read flash/eeprom area backup
  • repair software-related problems
  • read unlock codes: network, provider codes, user/phone code
  • empty board flashing (f.e. after flash chip replacement)
  • format file system
  • SCAT files read/write
  • make security zone backup during critical operations
  • "smart write" option, together with high-speed option flashing speed may be extremely high
  • detect keyboard codes by flash file ("Keyboard codes detector")
  • save operation process results in Log file
  • big flash files database for all World regions
  • compact flash/eeprom files format: flash/backup files internally packed and unpacked on-fly so you can save up to 50% of your Internet traffic (download small files from support area) and a lot of disk space on HDD for file storage counter for unlock/flash/other operations easy to use brand/model selection via "Shell" easy access to cables/pinouts information via "Cable selector" easy access to support area via automatic login system and "Support manager" huge flash files database: firmware, language pack, flex, map, repair eeprom, ffs files etc., more than 20,000 (twenty thousands) files for different models
  • documentation and manuals with step-by-step instructions
  • Multilanguage User Interface (MUI):
  • Arabic, Czech, Espanol, Farsi, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese-BR, Romanian, Russian, Slovenscina-Slovenian, Srpski, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese
  • More languages is under translation.

Infinity-box dongle supported phones

    Nokia: DCT4 Plus ASIC11: 1202, 1203, 1208, 1209, 1650, 1661, 1661-2b, 1662, 1680c-2b, 2220s, 2320c-2b, 2330c, 2330c-2, 2600c-2b, 2610, 2610b, 2630, 2630c, 2680s, 2680s-2, 2720a-2, 2760, 2760h, 5030c (and other similar models)
    Aiko: 17G, 51G, 52G, 70w, 78G, 97G
    Airam: M342
    Aircel: 311, 411, 422, 466, G240, G301
    Airness: Air99, MK99, Slide99
    Airtel: Avvio-G200, Cordless_FGD8900, FGD9000, Pacetel-Cordless-L900, Telular
    Ajanta: A1800, A1900, A2100, A3000, A4200, A5000, A52, Quartz, other
    AK-Mobile: AK760i, AK900
    Alcatel: 090, 103A, 103X, 104, 105A, 105X, 1060x, 106X, 108X, 109, 112, 113, 140X, 150, 1801, 203A, 203E, 203X, 2040G, 204X, 205, 206X, 208A, 208X, 209A, 209X, 213X, 214, 216X, 217D, 221A, 221X, 222A, 222X, 223, 228, 250, 252, 255A, 255DX, 255X, 280X, 282, 292, 296, 297, 300X, 301X, 303A, 303X, 304A, 304X, 305A, 305X, 306A, 306X, 310A, 310X, 311X, 315M, 322, 352X, 355A, 355DA, 355DX, 355X, 356, 358, 360A, 361, 362, 363A, 363X, 380X, 383A, 383X, 385, 385J, 4007X, 4010A, 4010D, 4010E, 4015D, 4015X, 455, 505K, 505X, 506, 508A, 540, 543X, 565K, 565X, 585, 600A, 600X, 602, 606, 660A, 660X, 665, 668, 7040A, 7042D, 706A, 706X, 708A, 708X, 710, 710D, 710K, 7110, 799, 800, 802, 802Y, 803, 806, 807, 808, 808M, 809, 813, 813F, 818, 819, 828, 880, 888, 900, 901, 905, 907, AM01, B331, C700A, C700X, C701A, C701X, C707X, C717A, C717X, C820A, C825A, C825X, Crystal, E100x, E101, E15x_16x_25x, E201, E205, E207, E221, E227, E230x, EL09X, Elle-EL09X, Elle-N3A, Elle-N3X, F101, F115, F117, F121X, F122X, F123, F152, F153, F330X, F331, F344, GlamPhone-EL05A, I606, I650A, I650X, I780, I808, I818, I888, I898, I905, KR01X, Lava, Mandarina-Duck-MD01X, Mandarina-Duck-MD02X, Miss-Sixty, OT-1051D, OT-1060D, OT-1060X, OT-1062, OT-1063, OT152, OT-2040D, OT-316A, OT-316D, OT-316S, OT-6012A, OT-6012X, OT-918, S100, S107, S120, S121, S122, S210, S211, S215A, S215X, S218X, S319A, S319X, S320X, S321A, S321X, S520A, S520X, S521A, S521X, S621A, S621X, S626A, S626X, S680, T208, T255, T268, T355X, T66, V155, V212, V212C, V221A, V221X, V222A, V222X, V270, V345, V350, V555, V570A, V570X, V607A, V670A, V670X, V770A, V770X, VM575
    Amplicom: M6000
    Amstrad: S288
    Angela: GTX85MV
    Asiafone: AF501, AF502
    Asus: J202, J206, J208, V66, V75, V80, other
    AT-Telecom: Hi-Messenger
    Audiovox: GPRS748, GSM609
    Avio: 101, 102, 201, 203, 204, 205, 301, 403, A306, A6103, S505, other
    Avvio: 103A, 203A, 209, 251, 410, 505, 530A, 768, 775, 778, 792, 795, 930A, G200, GD851p, GD852p, SN50, SN70, T519
    Azumi: A1, F1, L1N, Q503, S101
    BBK: i2288, i399, K202, K300, K322, S201, S202, other
    Beeline: A100, A103, B2011A, B2011T, G3610, Pro, Pro-2, R221, Smart-3, Smart-4, Tab-Pro
    Beetel: EC003, EC005
    Bellwave: N77, other
    BenQ: C36
    BenQ-Siemens: A38, A500, A53, C30, C71A, CF51, CF61, CL71, E52, E61, EF51, EF61, EF71, M100, M220, M300, M305, M315, M350, M580, S660C, S700, S80, S81, S82, S88, SFG75, T33, T51, T66, Z2, other
    Bess: SP500, SP770, VZ210, VZ219, VZ480, other
    Bird: D515A, D611, D612, D615, D630, D650, D660, D670, D706, D716, D720, D730, D736, D760, F200, F300, F501A, F518, F527, K102, K298, S1120, S1180C, S1186, S160a, S198, S199, S230, S288, S299, S301, S302, S305, S306, S320, S570, S688, S699, S701, S710, S788, V09, V10, V5518+, V620, V708, V750, V788, V789, other
    BlackBerry: 6230, 6720, 7100t, 7100v, 7100x, 7130c, 7130g, 7130v, 7230, 7290, 7730, 8100-Pearl, 8110-Pearl, 8210-Pearl, 8220-Pearl-Flip, 8300-Curve, 8310-Curve, 8520, 8520-Curve, 8700c, 8707v, 8800, 8830-World, 8900-Curve, 9000-Bold, 9500-Storm, 9530-Storm, 9630-Tour, 9700
    Bleu: 151x, 245x, 251s, 251x, 253x, 255x, 351x, 354x, 355x, 450z, 453x, 454x, 456x, 466x, 471x, 476x, 550x, 551x, 555x, 651x, 651Z, 670x, 670z, other
    Blu: Advance-4.0-A270a, Aria-II, Dash-D140K, Dash-JR-K, Dash-JR-TV-D140T, Jenny-TV-2.8, Life-Play-2, Q200, Studio-5.0, Studio-5.0-C-Mini, Studio-5.0-II-D532u, T200-Deejay, T210, T300, Tank-II-T192, Zoey-T166
    BMobile: AX535, AX540, C612, C628, K106, K298, LQ310, S168, S750, TV9, X131, other
    BSNL: EC005, G200CF, Penta-P033
    Coral: 100, 180, 200, 200FM, 225, 255, 266, 280, 300, 400, 400FM, 450, 500, 500FM, 550, 555, 620, 630, 640, 645, 655, 725, 850, other
    Cordless-Phone: FC8050
    Daewoo: D600, other
    DBTel: J6
    Digibee: BSNL-G200CF, G240
    Dirland: E307, M881, P708, R100, X410
    Doro: 338gsm, 611, 612, HandleEasy-326gsm, HandleEasy-328gsm, PhoneEasy-345gsm, PhoneEasy-409s, PhoneEasy-410gsm, PhoneEasy-410s, PhoneEasy-610
    Elenberg: MT105, MT320, MT520, other
    Elson: E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900
    Emblaze: Sting6, Touch7
    Emporia: Click-V32c
    Etisalat: 211FM
    Ezio: E300, E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900, other
    Fly: 2040, 2040i, 2040L, 2060, 2080, A106, B300, B400, B430, B600, B700, DS100, DS103D, DS105, DS110, DS110i, DS120, DS150, DS156, DS160, DS165, DS170, DS180, DS185, DS186, DS187N, DS210, DS400, DS420, DS500, E100, E105, E110, E115, E120, E125, E130, E135, E140, E145, E147TV, E150, E160, E170, E171, E181, E185, E190, E300, E310, Ezzy, Ezzy3, FT10, G1, Hi-SLDR, Hummer-HT1, Hummer-HT2, IQ441, IQ4418, IQ4490i, IQ465, Levis-LV1, LX500, LX600, LX610, LX800, M100, M130, M140, MC100, MC105, MC120, MC130, MC150DS, MC160, MC165, MC170DS, MC175, MC180, MC220, MC300, MP100, MP220, MP300, MP400, MP500, MP600, MX200, MX200i, MX230, MX300, MX330, Q110, Q200, Q300, Q400, Q410, SL100, SL130, SL140DS, SL140i, SL200, SL300m, SL399E, SL400m, SL500i, SL500m, SL600, SL600-Vodafone, SLT100, ST100, ST300, SX100, SX200, SX210, SX215, SX220, SX225, SX230, SX240, SX300, SX305, SX310, SX315, TS107, V100, V180DS, V40, V50, V60, X3, X7, X7a, Z200, Z300, Z300a, Z400, Z500, other
    Foxlink: Z302
    Gallin: GM63
    GeneralMobile: DST01, DST10, DST11, DST12, DST13, G333, other
    G-Fone: 311-Aircel, 411-Aircel, 422-Aircel, 466-Aircel
    GLP: 138GT
    Gtran: N120, N150, N510
    Hagenuk: DS300, Jazz, M628, other
    Haier: G111, G30, HG-A8, HG-M150, HG-M151, HG-M161, HG-M306, HG-M307, HG-V70, M300, M500, S210, T757, Z1000, Z1600i, Z701S, Z702
    Huawei: Acend-U30, C2205, C2285, C506, C6300, G20, G2800S, G330d, G3500, G3501, G3510, G3510m, G3510s, G3512, G3610, G3621L, G5010, G5500, G5510, G5521, G5720, G5730, G5760, G6, G6005, G610-U00, G6150, G6600, G6600D, G6603, G6608, G6609, G6610, G6610v, G6620, G6622, G7002, G7007, G7010, G7050, G7105, G7206, G7210, G7300, G7600, Hol-U19, Honor-3C, Honor-HOL-U19, T128, T156, T158, T160L, T161L, T201, T202, T206, T208, T211, T261L, T330, T710, T711, Y220, Y221-1U22, Y221-U22, Y221-U53, Y320-U30, Y330, Y330-U01, Y330-U05, Y511-U30, Y520-U22, Y600-U20
    Hyundai: H350, L480, MB-115, MB-121, MB-D125, MB-D130, MP318, MP510, MP718, MP728, MP738, MP880, W100, other
    I-Mobile: 100, 101, 200, 2211, 222, 301, 306, 308, 313, 315, 318, 320, 360, 508, 510, 511, 516, 518, 520, 523, 530, 536, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 608, 609, 609i, 610, 611, 613, 625, 626, 630, 901, 902, 903, BlackIce, CE0680, CE0889, CX-K809, IE3210, other
    Innostream: Inno-900, other
    INQ: Chat, Mini
    Intex: 2x, 702, Alpha, Aone+, Aqua-3G, Aqua-3G+, Aqua-3G-Pro, Aqua-4.5E, Aqua-A1, Aqua-I14, Aqua-i5, Aqua-i6, Aqua-I7, Aqua-Life2, Aqua-Marvel+, Aqua-P3, Aqua-Power, Aqua-Power+, Aqua-Power-HD, Aqua-Q1+, Aqua-Q2, Aqua-Qwerty, Aqua-R3, Aqua-Speed, Aqua-SX, Aqua-T2, Aqua-T4, Aqua-T5, Aqua-V+, Aqua-V2, Aqua-V3G, Aqua-X, Aqua-Xtreme, Aqua-Y2, Aqua-Y2-Pro, Classic+, Cloud-Y13+, Cloud-Y4, Cloud-Y4+, Crystal-701, Fame, Fame-301, Force, Force-2, Grand, Hunk, IN0315, IN1044, IN1107, IN1212, IN1212-Nano-Plus, IN1220, IN1224, IN2010, IN2020, IN2020E, IN2020FM, IN2020-Nano, IN2020-Nano2, IN2020QT, IN2022-Nano, IN2030, IN2030D, IN2030Dx, IN2040E, IN2040N, IN2044, IN2060, IN2080, IN2080E, IN2222, IN2233, IN2244, IN2266, IN3030, IN3050, IN3055, IN3060, IN3060D, IN3070, IN3070E, IN3080, IN3080E, IN3333, IN40, IN4040, IN4060, IN4400, IN4410, IN4415, IN4420, IN4420S, IN4444, IN4455, IN4460, IN4466, IN4470, IN4470N, IN4477, IN4488, IN4495, IN5000, IN5030, IN5040, IN5050, IN5544, IN6611-Ace, IN6622, IN6622i, IN6623, IN6633, IN6660, IN8810, iSmart, Jazz, Leo, Nano-104, Nano2, Nano-2x, Nano-Star, Neno2, Neo-201, Neo-V-Plus, P3, Platinum-Cube, Platinum-Dream, Platinum-Mini, Platinum-Ultra, Player+, Power+, Pride, Pride+, Pride-LX, R2, Style-VX, T3, T4, Turbo-N, Ultra-3000, Y2-Pro, Yuvi-LX, Yuvi-Pro, other
    Karbonn: A065, A1+, A101, A108+, A109, A119, A11Star, A12+, A12Star, A14, A14+, A19, A19+, A1Plus-Super, A1Star, A2, A2+, A20, A240, A25, A25+, A26, A4, A40, A40+, A50s, A51+, A52, A52+, A5s, A6, A6MT, A7Star, A81, A8Star, A90s, A92, A92+, A92Star, A99i, A9s, K10, K101, K101Star, K102, K102+, K102Star, K103, K104Star, K105s, K110i, K111, K112, K118, K121, K14, K18, K20Star, K217, K21Star, K22+, K222s, K25, K27Star, K2Star, K3+, K300, K32Star, K330, K331, K34+, K343, K350, K36+, K406, K443, K444, K444i, K445, K446, K447, K450, K451, K451+, K46+, K460, K478, K496, K51, K52+, K52Star, K541, K55+, K550, K56, K560, K57+, K570, K58, K595, K61, K62+, K63+, K650, K661, K695+, K70, K72+, K725, K73, K75, K75+, K76+, K77, K770, K775, K7Star, K84, K85, K9, K9+, K90, K95, K96, K98, KC411, KC470, K-Phone1, K-Phone2, K-Phone5, Machone-S310, Platinum-P9, S2, S2+, S4+, ST52, Ta-Fone-A37, Titanium-Octane, Titanium-Octane+, Titanium-S10, Titanium-S12-Delite, Titanium-S19, Titanium-S2, Titanium-S2+, Titanium-S20, Titanium-S25, Titanium-S4+, Titanium-S5+, Titanium-S5-Ultra, Titanium-S6, Titanium-S8, Titanium-S9, Titanium-ST72, other
    KN-Mobile: KN200, KN300, KN310, KN400, KN500
    Konka: 169FM, A26M, A76, A76FM, C220, C612, C623, C623FM, C625, C628, C629, C635, C636, C676, C926, C966, D163, D165, D169, D225, D266, D280, D316, D363, D620, D770, E303, EC001, EC001FM, EC003, EC006, G208, K120, M5061, M520, M910, W990, other
    KPN: One, Touch
    Kyocera: C2500, E2500, E3500, E4600, S1600
    Lanix: Kip, LX11, LX5, S106, X10, Z11
    Lava: 252, 285, 405+, A10, A9, ARC02, Arc1+, Arc11+, Arc111, Arc12, Arc22, Arc9i, Arc-Lite, ArcOne, C11s, Dis128, Dis132, Disc-136, Discover132, Discover135, Discover-136s, Flair-P1, i130S, Iris-245e, Iris-250, Iris-310s, Iris-352e, Iris-354e, Iris-356, Iris-402, Iris-404e, Iris-404-Flair, Iris-405, Iris-405+, Iris-410, Iris-414, Iris-415, Iris-444, Iris-455, Iris-503e, Iris-504Q, Iris-Atom, Iris-Fuel20, Iris-Style-300, Iris-X1, KKT12, KKT14+, KKT20, KKT20+, KKT20i, KKT21, KKT21+, KKT22, KKT24, KKT25, KKT27, KKT27+, KKT27i, KKT27S, KKT29+, KKT30, KKT34, KKT34+, KKT41, KKT42, KKT9+, KKT-Lite+, KKT-Prime, M23, Neo, Spark10, Spark-10, Spark-244, Spark-250, Spark-285, Spark-Icon, other
    Leady: C506, GT6107, MM10, MM95, X105, X501, other
    Lenovo: 688, A1000-G-IdeaTab, A1000L, A1000T, A2107A, A238T, A3000-H, A316i, A319, A328, A330, A3300, A3300-GV, A332, A350, A388T, A390, A396, A516, A536, A539, A606, A7000, A766, E300, E307, E520, i510, i60, i706, i908, i909, IdeaTab-A1000-G, K50, K50A40, P50, P612, P618, P708, P710, S5, S533, S600, S6000-H, S62, S650, S660, S850, S880i, S960, Shark-32, V707, V800, other
    LG: 300G, A120, A155, A165, A290, B2000, B2050, B2060, B2070, B2100, B2150, B2250, C1100, C1150, C1200, C2200, C2500, C2600, C3300, C3310, C3320, C3400, C360, F2250, F2400, G1800, GB100, GB101, GB102, GB105, GB106, GB107, GB108, GB109, GB125, GB160, GB160a, GB160b, GB165, GB170, GB190, GB190a, GB190b, GS190, GS200, GS205, GX200, KE260, KE600, KE770, KE800, KE820, KE850, KE970, KF301, KF600, KG110, KG120, KG130, KG180, KG190, KG195, KG200, KG208, KG210, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG245, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG280, KG285, KG288, KG289, KG290, KG291i, KG295, KG296, KG300, KG320, KG370, KG375, KG70, KG90N, KM330, KM335, KP100, KP105, KP106, KP107, KP108, KP109, KP110, KP112, KP115, KP130, KP135, KP170, KP199, KP200, KP202, KP202i, KP210a, KP215, KP215A, KP220, KP230, KP233, KP235, KP320, L342i, L343i, ME770, ME850, ME970, MG100, MG101, MG105, MG110, MG120, MG125, MG160, MG161, MG165, MG170, MG180, MG225, MG230, MG235, MG280, MG296, MG320, MG370, S310, X330T, X335
    Libercell: KT400, KT500, KT8800
    Lobster: 485, 544, 575, S621
    Maxx: 421, 845, A177, AX40, AX5, AX8-Race, MQ340, MQ430, MSD7, MX101, MX118, MX122, MX124, MX167, MX1801i, MX240, MX245, MX3, MX304, MX316, MX322, MX333, MX335, MX404, MX425, MX435, MX463, MX468, MX470, MX480, MX488, MX4e, MX5, MX513, MX533, MX534, MX552, MX713, MX745, MX845, other
    Medion: 2860, MD-95100, MDMP1200, other
    Megafon: CP10, Login+, Login2, S4, TDM15
    Mi: 200, 250e
    Micromax: 511x, A064, A065, A066, A068, A069, A074, A082, A089, A092, A093, A102, A102-Doodle-3, A104, A106, A107, A108, A110, A110Q, A114, A115, A116, A117, A120, A177, A190, A200, A240, A250, A290, A46, A47, A58, A63, A67, A69, A72, A74, A76, A77, A88, A89, A91, A92, A96, A99, AD3520, AD4500, Canvas-110, Canvas-HD, D200, E581, E930, Funbook-Duo, G4, GC255, GC256, GC257, GC275, GC400, M116, M2, MMX310G, Neo-4, P410i, P470, Q1, Q1+, Q2, Q3, Q3+, Q324, Q355, Q371, Q372, Q5, Q50, Q5FB, Q6, Q7, Q75, Q80, S300, X008, X072, X084, X085, X088, X090, X091, X095, X096, X097, X099i, X101, X103i, X112, X113, X114, X115, X116, X117, X118, X11i, X122, X1i, X1i+, X1i-Xtra, X1u, X200, X210, X211, X212, X215, X220, X222, X225, X226, X228, X230, X234C, X235, X2420, X247, X249, X250, X251, X252, X253, X254, X258, X260, X261, X262, X263, X264, X265, X267, X270, X272, X280, X281, X2814, X282, X285, X287, X295, X2i, X2i+, X310, X321, X328, X329, X330, X332, X332-TV, X337, X340, X351, X352, X353, X360, X361, X367, X368, X370, X395, X396, X414, X445, X446, X450, X455, X455i, X456, X458, X485, X50, X500, X501, X505, X510, X511, X555, X560, X600, X800, other
    Modelabs: Airness-Slide99, Elite, MyWay-Slim, MyWay-Touch, V-Slide, V-Touch
    Mojo: C200, Chat
    Motorola: C113(a), C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C119, C121, C122, C123, C136, C137, C138, C139, C140, C141c, C155, C156, C157, C168, C168i, C257, C261, E365, F3, F3-unlock, FX900P, V170, V171, V172, V173, V175, V176, V177, V690, V872, V878, W150, W150i, W170, W170C, W200, W205, W208, W209, W210, W212, W215, W218, W220, W355, W370, W375, W376, W377, WX160, WX161, WX180, WX181, WX260A, WX260X, WX265, WX280, WX288, WX290A, WX290X, WX295A, WX295X, WX390, WX395
    Movistar: 731, Match, Onda, R791, Urban
    MTS: 140, 352, 535, 547, 635, 982T, Basic, M100, Qwerty, Smart-Start
    My_Way: Modelabs-Slim, MW100, MW200, Touch
    MyPhone: 1070, 3350, 3370, 6650, 6651, 6670, 6691, 8830TV, 8870, A818i, B21, B22, B23, B23-Duo, B25, B50, B50c, B71, B88-TV, MS28-Duo, Q19, Q21, Q22-Duo, Q88-Duo, QT7, Rio, Rio-Fun-V2, S21, S22-Duo, T11, T12-Duo, T13-Duo, T22, T22-Duo, T23-Duo, T29-TV-Duo, T52, other
    Nec: E101, E121, E122, N200, N208, N342i, N343i, N344i, N650i, N910, N916, N917, N919
    Nerys: N330
    NewGen: C1000, C610, C620, C650, C710, C800, E1000, E1100, E1200, Mars, S410, T1000
    Nexian: G500, NX-G381i, NX-G503, NX-G505, NX-G522, NX-G700, NX-G788, NX-G801, NX-G868, NX-G900, NX-G901, NX-G911, NX-G922, NX-G923, NX-T780, NX-T900, NX-T911, other
    NGM: Alittle, BlackAngel, DG689, Enjoy, Mito, Pixy, Vanity, Vanity-Touch, Vanity-Young, other
    Nokia: 108, 1255, 130, 215, 220, 225, DCT4+
    O2: Jet(J1), O2X1B, O2X1I, O2X2i, O2X3, O2X4, O2X7, O2XLI
    Olive: VG200, VG300, VG3000, VG3100, VG3200, VG3201, VG400, VG500, VG800, VG8000, VGc800, other
    Onida: C628, F830, F910, G430, G460, G520, G610, i501, V105, V110, V115, V140, W1110, other
    Orange: Amsterdam, Dallas, Hollywood, Lisbon, Miami, Nalongo, Panama, Rio, Rome, San-Fransisco, Sydney, Tokyo, TR1, V101, Vegas
    Orinoquia: G5580, G6600
    Panasonic: A100, A101, A102, A200, A210, A500, Eluga, EZ180, EZ240, G50, G51E, G51M, G60, G70, GD55, GD67, GD68, MX6, MX7, P41, P55, SA6, SA7, SC3, T40, VS2, VS3, VS6, VS7, X100, X200, X300, X400, X500, X60, X66, X68, X70, X700, X701, X77, ZE240
    Pantech: C120, C180, C3, C320, C3B, C520-Breez-I, C530-Slate, C600, C610, C630, C740-Matrix, C790-Alladin-Duo, C810-Duo, C820-Matrix-Pro, G3900, G800, G900, GB300, P1010, P2000-Breeze-II, P2020-Ease, P2030, P5000, P6010, P7000-Impact, P7040-Link, P7040P, P8000-Crossover, P9020-Pursuit, P9050-Laser, P9060-Pocket, P9070-Burst, PG-1000, PG-1200, PG-1210, PG-1400, PG-1405, PG-1410, PG-1500, PG-1900, PG-3000, PG-3200, PG-3210, PG-3500, PG-3600, PG-3810, PG-6100, PG-C300, PN210
    PCD: CL1133, CL1135, CL1136EN, CLX100PR, GLPF1114MX, GPF1134CA, GPFL1238CW, GTX212, TTX28MX
    Philips: 192, 199, 290, 292, 298, 390, 568, 768, 960, CT7688, E100, E210, F322, F511, K700, M200, S200, S220, S308, S660, S800, S880, S890, W732, X100, X116, X170, X216, X223, X312, X325, X501, X503, X513, X518, X605, X620, X623, X703, X710, X800, X806, X830, Xenium-9@9u, Xenium-9@9w, other
    PowerTel: M6000
    QMobile: 117, 212, A10, A11, A110, A115, A12, A120, A15, A170, A2, A20, A290, A300, A34, A36, A400, A50, A500, A51, A55, A5-Classic, A6, A60, A600, A610, A63, A65, A650, A7, A70, A700, A75, A750, A8, A80, A8i, A9, A900, A900i, A910, A950, A96, B100, B120, B170, B18, B25, B255, B260, B45, B5, B500, B55, B6, B60, B600, B65, B70, B8, B80, B800, B85, B90, C10, C12, C3, E10, E100, E11, E120, E125, E150, E16, E18, E195, E20, E200, E4, E40, E400, E440, E5, E50, E500, E6, E60, E740, E750, E755, E760, E770, E775, E787i, E790, E8, E85, E850, E850+, E860, E875, E880, E890, E9, E90, E900, E95, E990, F22, F220, F23, F252, F363, F55, F680, G100, G120, G175, G200, G220, G250, G300, G400, i10, i12, i5, i5i, i6, i6i, i7, i8, i9, L1, L15, L2, LT150, LT250, M10, M2, M20, M22, M400, M450, M500, M550, M700, M80, M800, M90, M900, Max4, ME114, Noir, Q11, Q126, Q18, Q180, Q20, Q212, Q213, Q215, Q218, Q24, Q25, Q25i, Q26, Q266, Q26i, Q27, Q28, Q28i, Q29, Q33, Q37, Q38, Q3i, Q4, Q400, Q510, Q55, Q61, Q63, Q66, Q73, Q8, Q88, Q99, R1000, R200, R300, R3000, R350, R370, R390, R750, R800, S1, S150, S200, S250, S300, T400, T50, T550, T630, V2, V4, V5, W20, W200, X1, X100, X11, X150, X2, X200, X220, X225, X25, X250, X2i-3F, X2-Music, X30, X300, X35, X4, X400, X500, X550, X6, X60, X6i, X7, X70, X80, X800, X90, Z3, Z4, Z4-Mini, Z6, Z7, other
    Rainbow-mts: S189
    Reliance: Classic-7310, Classic-7610
    Sagem: my150x, my220v, my220x, my225x, my226
    Samsung: B300, C140, C140i, C260, C260M, C266, C300, E900, GT-B310E, GT-B313E, GT-E1200i, GT-E1200R, GT-E1202i, GT-E1207y, GT-E1270, GT-E1272, GT-E1280, GT-E1280T, GT-E1282T, GT-E2200, GT-E2202, SCH-B139, SCH-B189, SCH-B239, SCH-B259, SCH-B279, SCH-B309, SCH-B319, SCH-B379, SCH-B399, SCH-B619, SCH-E159, SCH-F302, SCH-F309, SCH-F679, SCH-S189, SCH-S229, SCH-S259, SCH-S269, SCH-S279, SCH-S299, SCH-S339, SCH-X609, X120, X140
    Sendtel: EV530, Q800
    SeniorPhone: 1055
    SFR: 101, 1080, 111, 114, 115, 116, 118, 121, 122, 123, 132, 151, 195, 227, 228, 228FM, 231, 232, 241, 242, 251, 251-Messenger-Edition, 261, 341, 342, 343, 344, 3440, 522, Starnaute-Noir, StarTrail-Titanium
    Siemens: AP75, CFX65, CL75, SFG75, ST55, ST60
    Simoco: SM1000, SM1100, SM1200, SM234, SM298, SM322, SM366, SM377, SM399, SM466, SM488, SM498, SM499, SM611, SM633, SM700, SM966, SM988, SM999, other
    Sitronics: SM8190, SM8290, SMD-104, SMD-105, other
    Skyzen: EZ100, EZ1000, EZ200, EZ300, EZ400, EZ500, EZ600, EZ700, EZ800, Hummer-HT2, N101, S3, S6, S8, ST1
    Sony-Ericsson: J100(i), J110a, J110i, J120i, J121i, J132, K200a, K200i, K205i, K220i, K330, R300, R306, T250i, T280i, T303, Z250a, Z250i, Z320i
    Spice: D80, D88, D88N, D90, M3636, M4242, M4250, M4580, M4580DV, M5004, M5006, M5008, M5016, M5020, M5021, M5032, M5050, M5151, M5161, M5161n, M5162, M5163, M5200N, M5208, M5249, M5251, M5252, M5351, M5355, M5361, M5367, M5370, M5371, M5373, M5377, M5389, M5396, M5403, M5406, M5408, M5430, M5454, M5566, M5611, M5615, M5916, M5917, M5918, M5920, M6000, M6060, M6110, M6111, M6262, M6363, M9010, M940, M940N, Mi-347, Mi-348e, Mi-354, Mi-356, Mi-358, Mi-359, Mi-362, Mi-402, Mi-423, Mi-426, Mi-431, Mi-436, Mi-438, Mi-439, Mi-442, Mi-451, Mi-503, Mi-504, Mi-505, Mi-506, Mi-508, Mi-509, Mi-535, Mi-600, QT-44, QT-50, QT-52, QT-55, QT-58, QT75, S300, S400, S404, S404N, S410, S415, S450, S5, S500, S5110, S525, S530, S5330, S535, S540, S545, S555, S570, S580, S590, S600, S600N, S640, S650, S7, S700, S7000, S705, S707, S707n, S710, S8, S800, S808, S820, S9, S900, S920, S940, X1, XLife-431Q, other
    TCL: 3188+, 3188M, 3188U, 718, 728, 738, A288, D569, D659, E330, GQ05, M361, M388, M530, M580, M586, M819, Q510, Q515, Q550, T106, T108, T550, T558, T766, T939, U58, U80, V18, V6, other
    Tecno: D100, H3, H5, M280, MP3, ST600, ST880, T277, T330, T340, T342, T400, T570, T600, T7, T727, T800, T880, T950, V410, V500, V801, V90i, X200, X200i, X210, Y4, other
    Telit: T200, T250
    Tesco-Mobile: Mojo-Chat
    Thomson: TH102, TN320, TN710
    Tinno: E01c, HD100, S4031A, S5201, T500, T670, TV900, TV990, X66A+, other
    TMN: 1210, 500, 5000, BlackStone, BlueBelt-I, BlueBelt-II, Easy, Sapo-A5, Script, SilverBelt, Softstone
    T-Mobile: Affinity, Beat, E200-Vibe, Energy, Unity, Vairy-Touch, Vairy-Touch-II, Vivacity, X760, Zest
    TOCS: C001, C64, C68, M52
    Toshiba: TS10, TS30, TS608
    TwinSim: T60, T99
    UCall: M108
    UFone: G3510, G5500, G6600, G7600
    Uninor: G-S212, S212
    Usha-Lexus: 2020B, 303B, 777B, 789B, 800B, 828B, 838B, 858B, 877B, UL2104, other
    UTstarcom: C2011B, C620, CL1135, CL381EN, G520, GFM114CP, GLP138GT, GLP138GTN, GLPF1114MX, GLPL138MX, GLPL148SV, GPF1134CA, GPF198, GPFE1238, GPFE1258, GPFE128en, GPFL1238CW, GPFM1238, GPFM1238CL, GPPE1238CW, GPPE1238ENR, GPRS1328, GPRS568, GPRS748, GPRS749, GPRS758, GPRS778, GPRS779, GPT2085, GPT380EN, GSM708, GSM718, GSM719, GTX212, GTX212CA, TE1201SV, other
    Vairy: Touch, Touch-II
    Verykool: i115, i119, i121, i126s, i250, i270, i280, i300, i305, i405, i410, i500, i600, i603, i605, i700, i720, S353, T742
    Viettel: 6216, V6202, V6206
    Virgin: Fly-SX200, Lobster-485, Lobster-544, Lobster-575, MicroSnapper, VM621i, V-Slide, V-Touch
    Vitel: TSM1, TSM2, TSM3, TSM4, TSM5m, TSM6
    VK-Mobile: VG207, VK1500, VK180, VK200, VK200_unlock, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK2030, VK207i, VK3100, VK4000, VK4500, VK500, VK518, VK520, VK530, VK540, VK550, VK560, VK570, VK580, VK700, VK800, VK900
    Vodafone: 123, 1230, 1231, 125, 135, 145, 150, 225, 225FM, 226, 226FM, 227, 228, 235, 250, 252, 330FM, 331, 340, 345, 351, 541, 543, 547, 550, 553, 785, 945, Indie, VF685
    Voxtel: 1iD, 2iD, 3iD, BD50, BD60, RX11, RX600, RX800, V350, V50, V500, VS600, VS800
    Xiaomi: HM-Note-1TD, Miui-V5
    Zetta: A10
    Zonda: 1075, 1075R, 1085, 1090, 1095, 1095R, 1099, G1840, G1860, G1880, Levis, MZ1, MZ2, MZ9, N2000, TF350, TF425, ZMax500, ZMCK870, ZMCK890, ZMCK895, ZMEM1120, ZMKN110, ZMTFTTV20, ZMTN600, ZMTN610, ZMTN615, ZMTN905, ZMUR300
    Zong: A136, R221
    ZTE: 123, 125, 195, 201, 2010, 202, 203, 204, 225, 225FM, 226, 227, 228, 231, 731, 7310, 7610, 811, A12, A12+, A136, A136G, A139, A15, A16, A201, A201+, A205, A205+, A206, A208, A211, A212, A213, A215, A215+, A261, A261+, A261FM, A292, A301, A316i, A35, A35FM, A36, A36+, A36FM, A37, A39, A5, A61, A611, A611+, A62, A62+, A66, A661, A68, A80, A831, A832, A833, A861, A931, A932, A933+, Amigo, Android, Blade, Blade-G2, Blade-Lux-Q, Blade-S, C310, C332, C335, C632, Carl, Coral-200, E400, E810, E821S, F120, G-F120, Global-Z3, G-N280, G-N281, G-N281-Negro, G-N290, G-N295, G-R220, G-R220-Lime, G-R221, G-R225, G-R230, G-R231, G-R235, G-R236, G-R236m, G-R620, Grand-X-Pro, G-S202, G-S212, G-S213, G-S215, G-S315, G-S516, G-T202, G-X671, G-X760, G-X930, G-X990, G-X991, H500, i766, i766CN, i799, LaPoste, Libra, Link, Maxx, Mercury, Monte-Carlo, Movistar-Class, Movistar-Link, Movistar-Prime, N261, N280, N281, N281-Negro, N285, N290, N295, N61, P726G, P729B, P729V, P733K, P733N, R220, R220-Lime, R221, R225, R228, R230, R231, R235, R236, R236m, R250, R3100, R620, R622, R630P, R631, R791, R830, Racer, Raise, Rio-II, Roamer, RTK-D1, S202, S202-VTecla, S212, S213, S215, S315, S315+, S316+, S511, S516, S518m, S521, Sage, SanFransisco-II, Skate, SmartFren-Wide, Smart-Netphone-701, Star-Addict, Star-Trail, T202, T28, Telstra-Smart-Touch-T3020, Tureis, Turksell-T1, U983, V170-Austria, V795, V816W, V830, V852, V859, V875, V880, V880+, V887, V889M, V960, V9-Tablet, WP626, X60, X630, X632, X670, X671, X730, X760, X760+KP, X761, X850, X876, X930, X960, X990, X991, XCD35, Xiang, Z990, other

    Accord: A19, other
    Ace: H1, M12, Suzuka, Z9, other
    AceLite: L3, other
    Ace-Mobile: M12, other
    Acer: Liquid-E380, Liquid-Z200, Z150, Z160, Z200, Z2500, Z500
    Afone: H880, other
    Agtel: 005, 5130, Leader, other
    Aino: F69, F89, other
    Aio: N97, other
    AirFone: AF111, other
    Airgold: V220, other
    Airphone: N4, No4, other
    Aitel: IT2020
    Aktiv: A120, other
    Alfatel: C500, H1, H1A, H1i, H2, H3, H300, H4, H5A, H9, other
    Alias: CM, MM, other
    Allview: M1, M1-Fusion, S2-Guld, T1, other
    Altrec: C200, other
    Amycool: D66+, other
    Anino: Unmy-3G-Vegas
    Anoking: 3060, M9, X202, other
    Anycall: 1689, 2619, D900, F488E, i718, i738, i908, i908e, L708, S628, other
    Anycat: SGH-I900, other
    Anycoll: L588, other
    Anycool: 007, 629, 6300, 7310, A508, CG668+, D1200, D1210, D3000, D38, D528, D6000, D66, D66+, D68, F1000, F58, F69, F818, F888+, F999, GC668, GC778, i908, i908e, i929, i939, K88, Kingbond-KDI-D528, N101, N86, T55, T618, T618+, T619, T628, T648, T718, T728, T808, T808-TV-Phone, T818, T828, T838, TV188, TV-99i, V168, V520, V7000, V777, V866, V868, V9, V9+, V9000, YX51, other
    Anylink: 6500, N99i, other
    Anyoall: 908i, SGH-908i, other
    Aobang: A880, other
    AOTE: 660, 908, 918, 928, F9+, M660, other
    APhone: DT-10
    Apole: IP9300, other
    Appo: A300, A8, X777, other
    ARA: A818, other
    ArcMobile: TV-550D
    Arise: AR52
    Aroma: D333, other
    Arsala: 6730, other
    Arte: 8600e, other
    Artee: RT501, other
    Atan: M760, M760-Music-Phone, other
    Attila: Z6
    Aura: S902, S908, other
    Auro: 6321, other
    Austar: F455+, other
    AUX-Mobile: M780, M855, M868, Z33, other
    Avivo: 1950g, 1960g
    Awang: A828, A929, other
    A-ZED: Z62, other
    Bacha: ZMC888, other
    Baizhao: S320i, S600, S8958, TV488, other
    Bak: BK-MP77, BK-MT77, MP605, other
    BaoXing: N1000, N200, other
    Bao-Xing: F692+, N1000, N200, other
    Barbie: P520, other
    Basicom: M-Star, V9, other
    Bassoon: Tab-X2-2.1
    Bavapen: 104e
    BBC: i508, other
    BBR: 8820+, other
    Bentel: EV530, other
    Best: D2000, D2000+, D3000+, D3800+, other
    Bestel: 6000+, D5000, D5000+, D6000, N95, other
    Bestking: A2688, other
    Bestone: KA08+, other
    Betels: 6000+, other
    Beyond: B111, B333, B38, B505, B510, B515, B530-SL71, B555, B600, B818, B83, B868, BY125, BY400, C3, other
    B-Fly: 225+, 6S+, B4, B768, Grand2, Mini, Note-3, S5-Mini, Z10+
    Bilwani: B2, M55, X300, other
    Bizhao: S8978, TV488, other
    BK: 9888i, MP605, MP725, MP728, other
    BKL: 728, other
    BL: K599, other
    BlackCherry: BL7000B, BL8000, other
    Blacklable: VVV363, other
    Blade: Q-Mini
    BLCOM: V8, other
    Bleutooth: N82i, other
    Bliss: D108, D208, V98, other
    Bloom: Globe-4.0-PL, Globe-4.5, S225
    Blueberry: B1, S111
    Bluetooth: 2008, 2009, 2600, 2640, 337, 339, 349, 526, 536, 588, 588+, 589, 626, 6500s, 6688, 6888, 6889, 808, 868, 888, 8928, 900, 900+, 911, 912, 998, 999, A20P, A5, A5688, B889, C800, C8000, C8800, C905, C92, C98, D18, E588, E70, E78, G366, G368, i738, JD2008, K320, K328, K400, K440, K799, KN-D9, L800, L831, L832, LV918, N77, N77S, N78, N79, N79C, N82, N83, N8600, N91, N95, N958, N97, N98, N98+, N99i-TV, PDA, S30, Slim, TC-168, V168, V21, V55, V555, V648, W726, Y138, Y139, Y690, ZH898, ZT588, other
    BMW: A8, other
    Bocoin: 302, B205
    Bolo: C62, C68
    Bonmi: F430, other
    Boostwer: E66, other
    Bossh: B70, D112, D96M, other
    Bost-Mobile: D615
    BPL-Mobile: COLT027, other
    BQ: E2
    Brondi: Night-Star, other
    Bugatti: 164, other
    Buss: G618, other
    BX: 5800, A300, N1000, N1000+, N5000, other
    BY: K8802
    BY2: 6600, M55, S102, S303
    Byond: BY027, BY-888, BY999, Nano+, other
    Bytone: T3, other
    Calltouch: Tab-706
    Calme: C340, D70, S20, Spark-S10, Spark-S11, Spark-S22, Spark-S33, X200, X2-02
    Calsen: 7322, D500
    Camry: V138, other
    Capitel: P600, other
    Caravan: S9300
    Carbon: 8800e, other
    Car-Mobile: KU6-BMW
    Carries: M99
    Cartier: V8, other
    Cavio: ZT618, ZTF1, other
    CayenneS: Z9, other
    cCanon: IXY8000, other
    CCK: 10, E71, other
    CCM: T9500
    Cect: 003, 1088, 1280SM, 199, 2000, 24560, 318, 3360, 505, 5708, 599, 6300i, 6300L, 6300R, 6600, 668, 688C, 688i, 689C, 689i, 760, 761, 7708, 808, 8100, 8110+, 838+, 8380, 8380-PDA, 8380-TV-OUT, 858, 860, 8800, 8808, 8808-Vertu, 888, 888+, 9898, 9988, A008, A100-TV, A1600, A1800, A1818, A2000, A520, A606, A666, A6668, A8+, A800, A850i, B8, C1000, C1000i, C2000, C2000D, C3000, C3000c, C5000, C5188, C600, C6111, C800, C8000, C8200, C8220, C827, C828, C829, C8400, C8600, C92+, C9900, D120, D122, D240, D242, D900, E591, E65, E65C, E65i, E680, E680i, E808, E818, E900, E920, E921, Edalee, F1200, F16, F22, G928, GP9000, H6628, I530, i658, i70, IM-306, K2, K300, K300+, K328, K630, K770, K7800, K808, K818, K828, K838, K838+, K86, K915+, KG98, L2000+, L2200+, LM398, LT-X3, LV918, M1818, M1818-PDA, M520, M530, M619, M660, M8, M800, M8600, M901, N1000, N168, N180, N1818, N518, N528, N529, N537, N538, N548, N568, N618, N618+, N618c, N6298, N6500, N6500+, N73, N73-1, N73i, N788, N81, N81+, N81c, N82, N84, N85, N87, N95, N95-PDA, N98, N989, N99+, O2R, P168, P30, P3711, P3711i, P3714, P3715, P603, P8100, P8100+, P8300, P8400, P9100, Q300, Q300A, Q300C, Q302, Q306, Q380, Q500, Q500-2sim, Q500BT, Q558, Q600, Q610, Q618, Q618-2sim-PDA, Q638, Q800, Q86, S500, S500-O2S, S500-PDA, S500-PDA-02Mini-3D-S, S500-PDA-02Mini-3D-Sound, S510, S560, S560-MPEG5, S567, S580, S588, S698, S800, S800+, S90, ST500, T1, T100, T410, T520, T590, T6688+, T678, T68, T688, T688i, T688i-2sim, T688-PDA, T689, T718, T830, T888, T88i, T910, T918-WatchPhone, T999, T999+, TV60, U880, U8800, U8810, U90, U92, V180, V200, V23, V23i, V3, V329, V4, V400, V480, V490, V5, V6, V60, V60+, V61, V658D, V668, V6688, V668B, V68, V69, V7, V70, V777, V788, V8, V8008, V9, V90, V909, V919, V92, V929, V939, V98, X768, X768-GSM-CDMA, Y200, Y690, Y767, Y809, ZP-S560, ZT-V8, other
    Celkon: A15K, A297, A40, C349Star, C7, C7040, C7405, K9, other
    CellOne: CX900, other
    Century: Piooner-B889+, other
    Cert: V400, other
    Cesim: A35, A510, A9530, CG400, N88, N97, TV333, V130, V30, V310, V470, V480, V580, V590, V700, V709, V800, V800i, other
    Changhong: A330, K218, K3, L128M, L138, M838, other
    ChangJiang: A968, N8+, other
    Changxing: A868, A868+, other
    ChatPhone: QS150, QS200
    Cherry: C50, Q3i, other
    CherryMobile: Q4-Duo, Spin, other
    Cherry-Mobile: Cosmo-One, D10, D13tv, D15, D20, D25tv, D28TV, D9, Q61, Q9TV, Spin, T19, U2, W7, W8i, other
    Chili: B03
    Chilli: B02, B03, B07, F02
    Chillo: S01
    ChinaStar: C507, S350, other
    Chinese-Blackberry: 8310a, 8520, 8900, 9000, 9000+, 9500, 9630, 9700, Bold-9700, Mini-9000c, T901, W9630-WiFi, W9700-WiFi, other
    Chinese-HTC: 6262, Android-G1-TV90, Diam100, P3700, other
    Chinese-iPhone: 168, 188, 189, A1203, A38, A380, A39, A58, A6, A6+, A7+, A8+, A88, A88+, A888, A9, C8000, ES350, ES358, i9, i98+, KA08, LH01, N500, N5000, N5000, N5005, N5100, N5200, N5500, P168, P168+, TV-3G, TV-4G, V188, W888i, other
    Chinese-iPod: A380, other
    Chinese-LG: KV700, other
    Chinese-Motorola: 400, 608, A1200, A606, K1, L7+, V230, V3, V33, V333, V336, V666, other
    Chinese-Nec: 1000i, N150, N158, N880, N880i, N99, other
    Chinese-Nokia: 1110i, 1111, 1112, 1112i, 1200, 1600, 1650, 3230, 3230C, 3250, 3280, 3680, 5200, 5220, 5300, 5300i, 5310, 5310-NMM-3, 5310XM, 5320XM, 5330, 5331, 5332, 5610, 5610D, 5610D-1, 5700, 5700+, 5710, 5720, 5800, 5800d, 6110, 6118, 6120, 6120+, 6120C, 6120i, 6128, 6131i, 6200, 6233i, 6275, 6276, 6280, 6280i, 6288, 6288-PDA, 6300, 6300C, 6300i, 6300-Q7, 6300-Q7+, 6300r, 6300-RM-217, 6300y, 6500, 6500+, 6500c, 6500s, 6600s, 6621, 6680, 6681, 6700i, 6708, 6808, 6830-XpressMusic, 7210c, 7210v, 7260, 7310c, 7310e, 7380, 7390, 7500, 8003, 8030, 8030-2sim, 808, 8600, 8600d, 8800, 8800+, 8800A, 8800-Arte, 8800e, 8800e-1, 8800e-Arte, 8800i, 8800S, 8800-Sirocco, 8830, 9900, A200, A6+, A606, A8-Porshe, Aeon, Arte-8800, BB7, BB7+, BX-A300+, C306, C307, C308, C500, C60i, C85, C88, C88i, C92, C93, E50, E51, E55, E60, E60i, E60-PDA, E65, E65i, E66, E66+, E66i, E66y, E68, E71, E71+, E71++, E71-2sim, E71i, E75, E77, E78, E78c, E86, E89, E8-Touchpanel, E95, F6310, F69, GC690, HT508, K288, K288-MPEG4, K915+, L600, M5700+, M77, M78, M79, M9, M90+, M96, M97, Mini-N95-8Gb, MM95, N001, N100, N1000, N12, N125, N126, N129, N135, N151, N153, N157, N177, N203, N203i, N204, N204i, N207, N207i, N22, N26, N28, N288, N28i, N290, N303, N321, N366, N366i, N368, N39, N4, N41, N5, N50, N500, N5030, N5177-2sim, N52, N52i, N54, N55, N56, N57, N57i, N57i-2sim, N5900, N600, N606, N608, N616, N618, N618+, N65, N6500, N658, N66, N66-2sim, N666i, N668, N66C, N66i, N66L, N67, N67i, N68, N688, N688i, N689, N7, N70, N70C, N70DK, N70i, N70-TVphone, N71i, N72, N72i, N72L, N73, N730, N73-2sim, N73C, N73C-2sim, N73D, N73F, N73G, N73i, N73L, N73-music-edition, N73-PDA, N74c, N75, N750, N750+, N751, N75c, N75i, N76, N76c, N76i, N76m, N77, N771, N772, N777, N777i, N77i, N78, N78-2sim, N788, N78s, N79, N7i, N80, N800, N8003, N81, N81i, N82, N82_20pin, N8201, N820i, N82i, N83, N83c, N83i, N84, N84i, N85, N85i, N86, N8600, N8600-Luna, N86i, N87, N87c, N87i, N88, N8800, N8800L, N888, N8888, N88A, N88c, N88i, N88s, N89, N9, N90, N900, N900i-2sim, N903, N903i, N905, N905i, N906, N906+, N907, N90i, N90s, N91, N910, N915+, N91A, N91i, N91i-TV, N92, N920i-2sim, N922i-2sim, N927i-2sim, N92G, N92i, N9-2sim, N93i, N93i-2sim, N93i-TV, N94, N94i, N94s, N95, N95+, N95-2sim, N95-8G, N95-B10, N95C, N95e, N95i, N95i-2sim-music-edit, N95i-2sim-music-edition, N95i-slider, N95i-TV, N95-PDA, N95s, N95S-2sim, N95-slider, N95-TV, N96, N96i, N96i-2sim, N96-PDA, N972, N973, N97i, N97k, N98, N98G, N98i, N98i-TV, N98i-Visoa, N98K, N99, N990, N99-2sim, N99B, N99i, N99N, N9s, O3-838, P1I, Q2R, Q7, Q7+, Q900, Q900+, Q909, Q919, RH-73, S7230, S728, S89, T158, T57, T58, T6700, T98, TM17M1, TP012, TV1000+, TV1100, TV2200, TV5, TV5188, TV690, TV7, TV702, TV8800, TV90, TV929, TV98, TV998, TV998+, V23, V230, V25, V27, V400, V8800, V909, V95, V96, V98, Veptu, Vertu, VT1300, VT9, X10, X11, X12, X5000, X6, X6+, X7, X7+, Z6700, other
    Chinese-Other: 2928, 2GSM, 3188, 338, 3D-Sound-V23, 3GSM, 6500s, 736, 808, 818, 828, 829, 838+, 9900, A108, A1168, A1308, A16, A17+, A1966, A2000, A203, A20P, A2198, A308, A328, A380, A520, A550, A628, A638, A6398, A6399, A666, A68, A7+, A700, A706, A8+, A818, A898, A900, A930+, A950, A960, A968, A968+, A969, Adidas, B889, BT888, BX-E71i, C600, C702+, C902, C902+, C904+, CT61S, D820, D900, DVD, E66, F488, F492, F698, F838, Ferrari, FY5900, G618, Gionee, GM259, H668, H688, H689, HB758S, i1000, i1100, iPhone, JC51, JC678S, JC699S, JC730+, JC730S, JC777, K188, K300, K3000TV, K328, K3288, K588, K589, K666, K808, K8800TV+, K888, K915, K916, Kangaroo, KittyPhone, L7, L700, L707, L8000, L8080, L999, LC-C4, LT100, LT-X1, LT-X5, Luna, LV918, M2210, M606, M777, M868, M869, M8800, M905, M910, MD-477TSIP, MK168, Mobile-2007, Mobile-G1, MStar, MusicMobile-Q10, N100, N107, N203, N203-K1, N28+, N328-GSM+CDMA, N600, N6555, N69, N73, N760, N77, N79, N81, N880, N88D, N980i, N98i, Navigator, P990, P990i, PDA-328, PDA-6688, PDA-W726, Perfect-2g, PowerPack-TC-2GSM, Q7+, Q77, Rolex, S1288, S2199, S350, S351, S357, S68, S728, S73, S760+, S760TV, S780+, S808, S813, S817, S90, S97+, S98+, SE318, SE818, S-Mobile, Sonic, SuperFone, T158, T2600-683, T320, T63, T67, T678, T69, T698, T69i, T737, T788A, T800+, T807, T88, T89, TagHeuer, TagHever, TT-V1, TV1100i, TV12, TV200, TV2009i, TV55, TV600+, TV-6208, TV628, TV683, TV687, TV690, TV886, TV88SQ, TV9, TV90, TV902, TV988+, TV998, TV-C1000, TVN95, TZ-Y500, V100, V168, V188, V333, V50, V5000, V52+, V57, V628, V660, V668, V68, V800, V807, V808, V9, V90i, V918, VS400, W726, W726-PDA, W726-PDA-2sim, WatchPhone, X909, XpressMusic-A520, X-SLIM, Y500, Y600, Y690, YZ09, Z100, Z898, ZH6688, ZS89, ZT007, ZT303, ZT320, ZT321, ZT5099, ZT689+, other
    Chinese-PDA: 520, 520+, 628, 628i, 6680, 6681, 8810i, 8850i, A1196, B889, D328, E590, E591, E592, L5688, Mobile-T88, MP4, MPEG4, T88, TV-Mobile-A9000, V13, X2, X3, other
    Chinese-Pocket-PC: 1688-2sim, 6600, N77, N78, N87, N95, N95i, N99, other
    Chinese-Samsung: 629+, A838, Armani, D500i, D520i, D600i, D800, D820, D828, D828+, D829, D860i, D900, D900+, D900i, D920, D958, E601, E603, E605, E680, E700, E708, E708+, E712D, E730, E730+, E730C, E738, E760i, E900, F300, F488c, F488e, i788, i888, i900, I9100, I9190w, I9260H, I9300, I9500, M8800, P528, P538, Q101, R500, S168, S9402, SGH-629, U800, U900, U908e, X180, X810, X810+, other
    Chinese-Sharp: GX18, GX28, P810, other
    Chinese-SharpV: P810, other
    Chinese-Sony-Ericsson: A580, K288, K750, K750C, K750i, K758, K790i, K800, K800i, K808, K809, K810, K810i, M61, P800, P990i, T650i, V666, V700, W525, W580, W610i, W660, W700, W800, W800i, W880i, W995, Z610i, other
    Chinese-Toshiba: E315, V10++, V11, other
    Chinese-Vertu: 998, Ascent, Ascent-Ferrari, Ascent-I, Ascent-Indeanapolis, Ascent-Ti-RM-267v, Constellation, F510, Ferrari, Ferrari-F1+, Ferrari-II, Ferrari-III, Ferrari-RHV3, LY-8088, MC2, Narnia-V6-Mini, Royal, Royal-R1, Signature, Signature-RH267, Signature-RHV8, Titanium, V1, V8+, V8i, other
    Chiva: LM718, ST319, UK598, other
    CityTel: E900-WiFi, other
    CKing: 339, K339, other
    CKK: K111
    Club: 92, 95, A6, C100, C200, C300, C900, M200, M300, other
    Club-Mobile: A11
    cNokia: 8860E, C5, E71, E71TV, E71TV+, L600, N97, N99i2, T6700, TRE71, other
    Coby: MP777, other
    Condor: C4++, C5-PGN-504, C6, C7-Mini-PGN-404, C8, C8-PHS601, CTAB785R16-3G, TCV-703G
    Cool: ATL-V8, other
    Coolry: 2008, other
    Corby: L6, W6233, other
    Corn: T20, T363
    Cosun: 289, 512, 638, 8266, 8988, 9958, C512, N73i, other
    Crew: 202
    C-Right: L2000, other
    Cross: CB90, CB95AT, CB96ET, CB97, G10, GG53, GG55, other
    CRTel: A2000, C200, X10, X6, other
    CSL: DS110, i200, other
    Ctves: M777, other
    Cvfd: M31, other
    CXTel: D90, other
    Cyber-Shot: E860, other
    Cyfon: C800i, other
    Cynix: D28, D38, E49, other
    CZCT: C8000, other
    Dany: G4, G5, Genius-Talk-T500
    Dapeng: T2000, T3000, other
    DataWind: 7CZ
    Daxian: 619, 669, 780, 8100, A6388, C8100, E689, J168, J6, JT398, N55, N800, P168, T108, X3000, X658, X7, X728, X756, X780, X799, X9188, X960, X960-FM, X999, other
    DBest: VT880, other
    DbPhone: DB011T
    DCom: 105
    DC-Tel: X920e
    Deco: F1, other
    Delta: X200, other
    Desay: K618, L608, M523, M535, M888, N618+, N618i, other
    Dezzo: D800, other
    Dfashion: Z3, other
    Diamond: D11, DJH-T661, T8800, other
    Diga-Mobile: D122, G123, G126, other
    Digga: D25, other
    Digimac: EXi
    Digiphone: 9800TV, E711, T828, other
    Digital: C500, other
    Disco: Z1
    Disko: 5282, 8S, D6, I9082, M7, Mini-S4, N9000, NX800, One-M7, P6, S3806, S5, S5282, S720e, T375
    Disney: 520+, other
    DJH: T660, other
    Djuice: Shake
    DK-Mobile: O9, other
    DMND: W720i, other
    D-One: DG518, DG-518, DG558, DG568, G628, other
    Donod: D5130, D805, D805+, D806, D960, other
    Donood: D700, other
    Doov: YH923, other
    Dopod: A6188, other
    Dopodo: C95, C97, C99, C99+, E57+, E61+, E62+, E63+, other
    Dorado: 6700C, A006, D111, D380, D600, D890, TV15, other
    Dotcom: MB-2300TV, other
    DRV-Mobiles: R52, other
    Dsney: M6, N8, Q7, other
    D-Tech: DT14gs
    Dual: 77, Vogue, other
    Dubao: 538, 558, 728, 728+, 738, 758, 768, 768+, 777, other
    DVD: S618, other
    DV-Phone: V93i, V96i, V97i, other
    DX: N6188, other
    Eagle: E52, other
    Easycall: 6600, other
    Egitel: V6, other
    Egltel: V6, other
    Einstein: MC2, MC3, Singular, other
    Eiriga: E13, other
    Eiroga: E666, N73+, other
    Ektel: C1-TV, other
    Elgin: EL-MP730, other
    Elitek: FN8618, FN888, GT101YN, other
    Elitex: 8888, other
    Eliya: S168, other
    Emol: 66, other
    Enet: E9
    Enimac: MQ8200, other
    ENMAC: MQ-8200, other
    Enteos: i-BD620
    Epoda: EP2502, other
    Etel: E12, other
    E-Tel: P7, P9, V809, other
    E-Top: S30, other
    eTouch: 1133i, 212Pro, 232Pro, 303, 303Pro, 515Pro, 612, 616Pro, 636, 636Pro, 717Pro, CG1, D108, D11, D12, D120, D160, D18, D200, D21, D220, D23, D30, D300, D33, D35, D38, D6, D60, D8, DS100, F50, J100, J165, J168, MB68, MD82, X88i, XL10, XL25, XL53, other
    Eurocell: E88, other
    Everfo: 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604, E2211+, E32, E591, E711D, E713D, E730, E863, E866, E911, E912, E927, E941, other
    Evertek: E300, E500, X9, X90, other
    Evolve: GX607, other
    Excellent: Ex554
    Exmar: DXD-TX1, other
    Experta: X1, other
    Explay: Advance, BM50, Fin, Primo, T1000
    Express: X11
    Eyo: C5000, E71, E71S, other
    Fashion: A5688, T508, T588, other
    Fengxing: M609C, other
    Ferrari: F1, F108, F589, F599, HC668, LV2008, other
    Firefly-Mobile: GT100s
    FixedPhone: FC8050, other
    FixMobile: A969, other
    Flying: F300, F636, F639, F67, F69, F698, F698i, F800, F826, F900, F916, F936, F996, other
    Flynet: F001, F007, other
    Fly-Ying: E71i, F003, F006, F007, F008, F021, F026, F035, F036, F080, F300, F350, F698, F99, other
    FMobile: B290, other
    Fome: N7, other
    Forby: G899, other
    Forme: A398i, C101, D386, D5, D516, F8, F808, L300, M6, M600, M660, M800, Q5000, U969, other
    Fortune: F16, F32, other
    Fory: F288, other
    Foston: 968B, FS-829, FS-836B, FS862, FS-868B, FS968A, FS-968A, PDA, other
    Frome: F8, other
    Frost: 701, F26, M23, other
    Fujistar: FJ-71, FT-1011, other
    FUN: N100, N73, N77, N78, N95, other
    Funker: F803DS, other
    Funny: A8, V50, other
    FunnyMobile: V20, other
    FunTel: F404
    Fushida: S360, other
    G+G: i908, other
    Gaba: A72
    Galaxy: SQ9600, T81, other
    Game: 5300, other
    Gamma: K9
    Gaoxinqi: A818, D601, E908, E908i, GS518, GXQ-F896, GXQ-N358, N82, N87, T838, TL528, other
    Gatel: E73, other
    GBest: M23, other
    GDL: Extreme3, G100
    GeePee: 1145
    Genx: TZ8, other
    GEO: G1, GV500, Gv880
    Geotel: S9300
    Getek: TK806, TK808, other
    G-Fen: L600, other
    GFive: 7630, D11, D90, D902, D99, E71y, F3, F5, M99, T33+, T580, U229, U320, U800, U808, U898, W39, W5, X202, other
    G-Five: 3120, 5130, 525, 6620, 6670, 710, 720, 736, 7620, 898, A2, A5, A77, A86, A97, AP3, Bravo-G95, C2160, C6233, D60, D90, D99, F2, F3, F5, F8, FT01, FT02, FT03, G10, G226, G300, G3000, G365, G370, G6C, G6-President, G7-President, G880, GF73, H600, H91, i300, i310, K568, L226, L229, L300, L700, L800, M1, M5130, M55, M6, M610, M73, M99, N1120BT, N18, N79i, N90, President-Smart2, Q33, Q8i, U303, U505, U717, U867, U879, U898, U899, U909, U959, U969, W1, X9, other
    Gibox: MK369, MK397, other
    Gild: 6700, N9, S33, other
    Gionee: A10-TV, A809, A830, E3, E5, E6, E99, G3, G5, I9, L7, L700, L8, M2, M700, P1, P2, P2S, P3, P4, S80, S96, T520, V4, V4S, V5, V5600, V890, other
    Giong: S500, other
    Giorgio: Arnan-F8, other
    Giorgio-Arnani: dual-sim, F8, other
    Gjiang: W007, other
    Glaif: 2690i, other
    Glid: 6700, FXD3600, FXD6300, H1, N9, S3720, S648, S76, S93, TV98, V2, V76, X5, other
    Glis: S77, other
    GlobalMobile: G0003, other
    Global-Mobile: G0003, other
    Globul: TA2322n
    GLX: X202
    GMobile: T68, other
    G-Mobile: C102A, J500, M93, N82, other
    GNet: G8600, N99, other
    G-net: G409-mini, other
    GNext: G401, GN11, GN28, GN90i, other
    G-Next: GN14, U979, other
    GNine: K2+, X88, other
    Goldmobil: J88, other
    Goldvish: Signature-RHV-2, Signature-TRGH-8, other
    GoMobile: GO180, GO950
    Go-Mobile: 775
    Good-One: L007
    Goodve: GV11, T7, T9, X9
    G-Phone: 5700, other
    GPS-Mobile: K3288, other
    Gradiente: GC300, GF500, GF760, GF910, GF910i, GF930, GF930i, GF950, GF970, Vibe
    Greenpower: H48, other
    G-Right: 3000, 6700, 6800, C200, E52, E72, G2, L200, L300, U808, U999, V400, V80, X300, X400, X600, other
    Gross: G10, other
    G-Shine: L800, other
    GSmart: Aku-A1
    GSmax: GS868, other
    G-Star: 618, 808, 899, G2, G6, G851, GM108, GM128, GM208, GM209, GM238, GM308, GM318, GM328, GM329, GM338, GM508, GM528, GM608, GM618, GM618-Slim, GM809, GM851, GM896, GM896M, Q82, other
    G-Stop: N8y, other
    GT: V100, other
    GTel: A703, A704i, X2-02
    G-Tide: E6-Mini, E908, G12, G15, G18, G28, G5310, G7, G838, L600, W110, W310, W510, W520, W620, W660, other
    GT-Mobile: 1268, 1400, 450, i1268, M300, M920, TV100, TV70, TV-70, other
    Gucci: G600, G629, G668, other
    GVill: 301, G2-02, G308, G808, Toch
    G-Vill: G9900
    GVon: 900, other
    G-Zone: C5, other
    Hang-Jiang: N97-Mini, other
    Hantel: 6088, A800, BL699, D1838, D801, E860, H168, H625, HN9398, HT3188, HT6088, HT6600, HT8388, M2210, Send-Y500, T6800, TV-488, other
    HCL: Connect-V3
    Heady: H787, other
    Hedy: H767, H797, S803, other
    Helio: X10
    Hello: HL2801, HL2802
    Hellocity: C306
    HelloKitty: 318, other
    Hic: S900, other
    Hidden-Dragon: N68, other
    Hightech: HT100, other
    Hightel: M88, other
    Higtel: H869, other
    HiPhone: V188, other
    Hisense: HS-U970, HS-U980
    Hisong: M920, other
    Hitech: 3600i, Air-1, Amaze-300, Amaze-S410, F2i, G10, G3i, H2i, H31, H38, H382, H39, H55, H61, M21, S3, S5, X9, other
    Hi-Tech: Amaze-S305, G4i, S300i, X250, Youth-HT880
    Hitel: M1038, other
    Hitune: A4, other
    Hitz: 2211, other
    HKM: N6370
    Holleycomm: H3101, H3260, H3270, other
    Holyday: D600, other
    Hongxiang: M733W
    Honor: Holly
    Honxiang: M733W
    Hooah: S1, S3
    Hope: 6700
    HTC: A288, Desire-210DS, TouchFLO-P3452, other
    HT-Mobile: A30, G10, G11, G19, G20, G30, other
    HTTel: A800, other
    Hualu: S600, other
    Huate: T600, other
    Huaxiang: N800, N900, other
    Huaxi-Ang: N800, other
    Huayu: CM336, CM591, CM618, CM678, FT688, G688, K878, K888, L787, L888, M818, P30, V928, other
    HUG: Q88i, other
    Hutch: Usha-Lexus-UL2104
    HXD: K900, other
    HX-Mobile: H1120, other
    HZTel: F400, S400, other
    Ianus: 999, other
    Iball: 4B2, Andi-107, Andi3-5i, Andi4-5K6, Andi4-B2, Andi5-E7, Avonte-2.4G, Bravo-1.8, Classic-3.5, Fab-2.6A, Glitter-4.5, I153, Slide-7236, Vogue-2.4-KK1
    iCell: i588, other
    i-Cell: i588, T33+, other
    iCool: A520, other
    IdealPhone: i869, other
    iFOE: P168+, P168C, other
    iLegend: GX200
    Ilife: TZB704
    IMax: C82, MX-242, other
    Imo: 168, B9000, L818, T378, other
    iMODO: IM100, other
    Infinity: 2in1, 5800-2sim, Q500, RMa, S380, other
    Infinix: X352, X500
    Innjoo: i2
    Innovo: i8510, other
    ION: i100, other
    Iosound: i960, is102, other
    IO-Sound: 301, i90, other
    Irion: 9108DS, other
    Iris: DM-7G, I-S3, Sat-DM-7g
    ITel: 5170, C8000, IT1501, IT207, IT600, IT6300, IT700, IT800, other
    i-TV: V10, other
    Jaga: TT678, other
    Jalor: A8, other
    Jaso: J10, J9600
    Jazz: T161L
    JBJ: N99, other
    JCP: J1, other
    Jeep: W900, other
    JFone: J87, other
    JFS: N5000, other
    Jgtel: 003i, J1020, other
    Jiali: K188, other
    JiaXing: N95, N97, N98, other
    Jiayu: JY-G2F, JY-G3
    Jin: D898, other
    Jincen: 528, 618S+, 666, 678S, JC51, JC618S, JC6700, JC-E2, JC-E6, W400s, other
    JingCheng: JC666S, other
    Jing-Ling: E81TV, other
    Jinke: E100, E100-TriBand, other
    Jin-Ke: E100, other
    JinPeng: 007FM, 488, 5108, 5199, 5588, 768, 8188, 8190, 8198, 8283, A09TV, A1280, A2198, A5616, A5658, A5688, A606, A616, A666, A7522, A9, A928, B798, C3000, E1088, E2298, E55, E6180, E88, H788, i908, JP1688, K330, K939, K989, K999, L808, M8, M868, M99, S1111, S1288, S1318, S2128, S628, S688, S7310, S868, U900, V70, V70FM, W880, W998, other
    Jinteyu: V678, other
    Jivi: 12i, 2829, 444, X3i, X57
    J-Kai: TV96K, other
    J-Max: F10, J95, J-Diamond, JM5700, Saxy, other
    J-Mobile: J100, J-S3
    JNC: MX8, other
    JRCell: i6, other
    J-Tide: C28, G880
    Jugate: 2sim, Z-AD928, ZJ880, ZJS638, other
    Just5: CP10
    K&C: W806, W812
    Kailinuo: K925
    Kaiqi: N107, TV32, other
    Kalley: TCF200
    Karamfone: S4, X5, other
    Kecaoda: K9, other
    Kechao: C7, other
    Kechaoda: Mini-K9
    Kechoda: K27, K51
    Kedaq: Q191, other
    Kejian: K508, M680, other
    Kekai: K26i
    Keneksi: Q3-Gold, S5
    Kenuo: KD-B86, KN-76D, KN-A75D, KN-D8, KN-D9, KU-D9, N750, other
    Kenxinda: D16, F66, Z55, other
    Kenxindad: 300, other
    Keyad: K1, other
    KFive: Vanilla
    K-Five: K15, Vanilla
    KFY: J12
    Kiano: E10, E4, E5
    Kiech: N8899, other
    Kifung: S108, other
    Kimcell: N88, other
    Kimfly: A1, K105, K900, other
    Kingelon: A968
    KingK: 800, other
    Kingmax: 8+8, other
    King-One: K608, other
    Kingpo: E302, E320, E733, other
    Kingsdom: K2, other
    Kingstar: A25, X1
    Kingsun: V902, other
    Kinlong: K228i, K288+, N96, other
    Kinstar: KS-C2
    Kisen: 3000, F350, K1, K2000, P83, V633, other
    KIT: LC-888, other
    Kitty: 318, 328, 348, C90+, other
    Kivi: KS333
    KLoong: A913, E714, E718, other
    K-Mobile: K828
    Korby: K1000
    Kotiotel: K5, other
    Kotka: E90, E97, E98, other
    Kotlotel: K5, other
    KTech: 8020, 8030, 8030i, 8388, K400, N8899, other
    KTouch: A11+, A5118, A615, A650, A905, A933, B718, B830, B922, B923, B938, C800, D700, D702, S515, V918, X555, other
    K-Touch: A11, A615, A635, C108, C260, D170, D770, D780, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H777, H999, V760, V908, X90, other
    Kulala: M303-Tab
    KuXing: K1000, other
    KXD: 001, 012, other
    Kyoto: T737E, other
    KZG: N200, other
    Laise: N99, other
    Lanboxiny: F8, other
    Lanye: N70, other
    Lawow: 2008, A200, S10, S20, T5, other
    LC: C5, U808, other
    Lcphone: LC888, other
    LDF: K9000, other
    Leiniao: N800, other
    Lemon: 212, 216, 329, 339, 401, 818, A3, B149, B159, B169, B201, B229, B319i, B411, B415, B529, B559, B819, Duo-215, IQ303, Ocean-2, P102, P105, P12, S301, S401, S403, other
    Lephone: A10, A110, A2, F300, F800, K3, M75, other
    Leson: TVE71, other
    Lianke: P100
    Lian-Sheng: L995, other
    Life: DST01
    Linq: X100
    Lion: 12, 7, 8, other
    Lipiec: T800, other
    Lixin: 5800, E80, E85, G2, other
    LongTel: E3, S800, S88, other
    LongXing: M3, other
    Lontin: 8820, E69, E71, E71i, RH165-E71i, other
    Louis: A502, V168, other
    Louis-Yuitton: T658, other
    Lovito: M23
    LT: X5, other
    LUNA: 8600, 8600d, N688, other
    Luxury: G851, other
    LV: TY450, other
    LVTel: L8, V6
    LX-Mobile: 007, TV, other
    M&G: KD86, other
    Mach: 5630, other
    Magic: A100, other
    Magicon: MG444, other
    Magicon-Harmony: MG901, other
    Mahi: V2, other
    Malata: Lopp-P07, M696, MT118, MZ280, T256, other
    Mann: Zug-S-ip67
    Mapple-Mobile: 201
    Mark: 5010, other
    Masster: C116
    Matrix: M1, M2, N82m, X100, other
    Maxicell: 6730, other
    Maximis: M19, M32, other
    Maximus: 115c, EX60, EX75, M203m, M226m, M229m, M266S, Max14, Max15, Max300, Max402, Max408, Max901, Max903, Max905, MX100, S70, T44, other
    Maxtcl: K94, other
    Maxtel: K24, K48, K81, other
    Maxtron: MG165, MG186, MG278, other
    Maxwest: Orbit-6300
    Maxwin: Mega-8
    Maxwood: L1, L4
    MBD: M4000, other
    M-Best: X2-02
    MBM: 1168i, 5138i, S95, S96, other
    MD: 399TSIP, 455TSIP, 460TSIP, 462CPU, 465TSIP, 475TSIP, other
    MDB: M8000
    Mebaya: A18, other
    MegaGate: 2610, 6310, 6600, K510, T400, T960, T980, X5, X7, other
    Megaget: T960
    Megatec: Luxe, other
    Megatek: M100, other
    Meidea: E66, Y1000, Y300, other
    Meiye: N82, Q7, Q8, other
    Melbon: M2, MB-606M, other
    Mercury: Maestro, ST3, other
    MessagePhone: QS150
    Metfone: Closer, MF6201
    Metom: M201, M20IV, M20TV, M28, M39, MT309, N11, N81, N82-TV, N87, N89, T300, other
    Mex: MX14BS, N95, N97, other
    MFU: 6800, M1, V200, other
    M-Horse: Mini, S51
    Micro: M11, other
    MicroPhone: X6
    Micxon: CTV-810, MTV800, S600, other
    Mideia: Y100, other
    Midi: MD-602, other
    Mikki: C90, other
    MingXing: A008, other
    Ming-Xing: A008, other
    Mini: 6600, G2, G89, i9, other
    Mito: 1868, 2000, 2018, 222, 260, 266GG, 288GG, 302, other
    Mixcon: S908, other
    MJPhone: M1000, M7500, Mini-M1000, other
    MMD: Z43
    MMobile: P12
    MMX: A110-Q, A72
    Mobiado: 105, other
    Mobiley: NR1
    Mobility: NG1
    Mobiola: MB1500
    MobiStart: B211
    Mobistel: EL420-Dual, EL570, EL600Dual, other
    Mogli: Fox1
    Moille: ZTC-ZT588, other
    Momentum: M35-Castor
    Monix: X281
    More: Z800, other
    Moroccan: Accent-Eagle-3G
    Moses: V670, other
    Motocom: C500, other
    Motolaro: 520, other
    Motorcla: V80, other
    Moviephone: FA6, other
    Movil: M108
    Mox: MO778, MO800, MO875, MO875+, other
    Mox-Mo: 698, other
    MP4: 2000, 6188, O2-mini, O2R, O2S, O2S-Dopod, PDA-K18, other
    MPEG4: 2000, 3000, 3200, 3210, 3300, 3320, 4000, 4100, A968, K1, P888, T698, other
    MPMobile: M02, other
    MTC: Start2
    MTech: L1
    M-Tech: Lotus, Opal, Pulto, Star+
    MTK: MT228, other
    MTN: S620
    MTV: N73, N97, N99, other
    Much: D800, DS-850, other
    Muphone: M1000, M230
    Muse: 790, other
    Muzak: N88, other
    MVL: G81, other
    My: G660, other
    Mycell: P2
    Naide: K1, K2
    Nakashi: Nk888, other
    Napoli: NPL-777, other
    Narnia: 8088, V6, other
    Nasaki: B2, B9, G5, G9, M505, M606, M7, NK630, NK880, NK-880, other
    Navon: Mizu-D402
    NCBC: DFH688, other
    Nckia: 3100, 5600i, 5610i, 5700+, 7390, E95, M5700, M5700+, N77, N77i, N78, N78c, N95, N95-8Gb, N97, N98, N99, XpressMusic-5610S, other
    NECcom: A007, A0078, A6, N880, N990, N990+, other
    Nektel: C7000, other
    Neoi: 809, other
    Nestel: 112, N110, N6
    Newrone: i8, other
    NewStar: X9988, other
    New-Sun: N18, other
    Newtone: NTi8, Q6, other
    Nex: Mini, other
    Nexcel: E71, other
    Nexcom: NC328, NC689, other
    Nexcon: NC689, other
    Next: 809, 809-TV, other
    NJStar: L1100, other
    Nkiac: F168, other
    Nktel: 1680, 2008, 2800, 2850, 2900, 2970, 5310, A200, A210, A220, A300, A500, A60, A600, A700, A800, C2008, C3000, C5000, C6000, C7000, C8000, C9000, E280, K100, K200, K300, K400, K401, K402, K700, K770, K99, N8600, S350, S358, U800, other
    Noal: X2-05
    Nobel: V8000, other
    Noca: T856, T856-W88-PDA, other
    Nokeir: N768, other
    Nokela: A2000, other
    Nokier: F768, other
    Nokig: N82, N97, other
    Nokla: 1112, 3808, D328, E90, E92, N71, N72, N72c, N73-PDA, N77, N78, N79, N95, N95-2sim, N958, N959, N96, N96c, N96i, N97, N98, Q700, V98, other
    Nono: N1220, other
    Nony: 216, E71, E71+, S208, S212, S235, S311, S3111, S325, S332, other
    Nova: N800, other
    Nove: N800, other
    Novo: C501, N717i, ST200, other
    O3: 818, 828, 829, 838, other
    Oaintel: E88, V88, other
    Obee: 007, 007i, 680, K399, N78, other
    Obi: S401, S502, S550
    Ocean: F3000, other
    Octenn: T1100, T1130, T1201
    Odin: 295, E66, P1000, other
    OGO: GC9
    Okapia: Epic
    Okia: E79, N9, other
    Ola: C515
    Olympia: Viva
    Omes: M3312, M500, W598, other
    Omnipotence: Micky, other
    Onda: N130T, N131, N213, other
    oooooo: C99, E99, N99, other
    Opal: 4L, 4L007, G7, G900, i5, i9500
    Ophone: Oze-4
    OPLUS: O+8.52
    Oppo: 630i, A109, A303, A388, A400, R1001, R2001, R827, R831K, other
    Opsson: A10, other
    Orion: 900DS, 903, 909, 910DS, other
    Overtech: OT-09, other
    Ovione: M600
    Pagaria: P2757, P72, P9045, other
    Panasonio: N75, V2000, V4000, V5000, V5100, V6000, other
    Panda: 2008, 66, 67, Olympic, Olympic-Summer, T31, other
    Panther: Q777+
    Papaphone: PP7, other
    Pawan: 2975, other
    PDA: C99+, other
    Peace: G105, Z1
    Pegasus: E3, other
    Pel: C2, C60, C68, C908
    Penta: WS707
    Pesung: N998+, other
    Phoenix: P2000, PD55, PD57, other
    Piaget: CE666, other
    PierreCardin: GM118, other
    Piglet: L4, other
    Planet: E3, M1, V2, other
    Platinium: E71i, G11+, other
    Platinum: Mini
    PlayboyPhone: PB01X
    Players: P718, other
    PocketSurfer: PS5x
    Pomp: F89, F98, other
    Porsche: Cayenne, other
    Powerpack: TC-107, TC-1GSM, TC-2GSM, TC-BT3, TC-BT7, TCG-8801, TCGS-218, TCGS-8806, TCGS-8818, TCGS-8888, TC-TV-168, TC-TV-178, TCTV-278, TCTV-438, other
    PremierCel: 3045tv, other
    Prestigio: PSP5504-Duo
    Prince: T760, other
    Privileg: TV2-Focus, TV3-WIFI, X2-Joy, X6, X7, other
    Priviler: TV3-wifi, other
    Prolink: F1000, other
    Pulid: D1689, other
    Qbest: Q380-B, other
    QiaoSheng: QS840, QS880, other
    Qiao-Shong: QS840, QS880, other
    Qisheng: P83-TV, other
    Qlinks: Q60, other
    QPhone: Q50
    Qruz: V1425, other
    Q-Tab: Q100, Q1000, Q1100, Q300, Q400, Q800, Q850, V6
    Rage: Ace, Bold-2400, Bravo, Magic-40BX, Magic-Swift, Optima-Smart-G40, Rapid, RD120, RU-2000-TV, Silk, Thunder+, other
    Range: RD110, other
    Rangs: J4
    Reach: RD330, RD60
    RedStar: 901, 902-TV, 910, other
    RegeBold: 2401
    Rex: P990, other
    Richmax: S17
    Richtech: K61
    RichTel: A-VE-07
    Ritmix: RMD-753
    Rivo: Neo-N310, Phantom-PZ15, Rhytm-RX-40, Rhytm-RX-60, Sapphire-S600, X40
    Rivo-Mobile: Classic-C110, R40
    Rocker: R111, R513i, RX15, V104, other
    Rocky: 2008, other
    Rokca: R5570
    Rokea: 007, R222, R3, other
    Rokia: R212
    Rolex: HK010, K8, other
    Royal: S3588, other
    Safeer: 8800, other
    Salyelisomw: 598, other
    Sambao: K709, N78, N78i, N87, N95, N97, other
    Samd: 900, 908, 918, other
    Samkung: TV168, other
    Samoi: T818, other
    Sampo: GK8800, other
    Samsking: V11, V12, V21, V21i, other
    Samsong: E318, other
    Samsonic: U800+, other
    Samsunc: U800, U900, W579, other
    Sands: A203, A203i, A209, A303, A303i, A8, P908, other
    Sanei: N60
    Sang-Teng: Q7, Q7+, Q8+, other
    Sanke: S1, other
    Sanno: 268, 6618, A88, N82y, N96i, N97, N97i, N98, N98k, T008, T628+, other
    Sansui: S40, S45, S48, SA4011, V847, V909, V919, V929, other
    Sanxing: E415, E70, E78, V52, other
    Sany-Ericsson: W810i, other
    Sanyo: S750
    Satabi: 1101, 2702, 2sim, 5102, other
    ScellPhone: TG01, other
    Schauen: N16, other
    SCiPhone: G2, i68, i68+, i69+, i86, i9+++, i99+, L88, S18, other
    Scny-Ericoson: X5, other
    ScnyEricsscn: U80, other
    Scny-Esicsson: K808, other
    Scool: TZ209HIFI, other
    SED: 838+, 950, AK606, AK606i, B908, B908-PDA, D968, DJ120, N08, N6128, S1000, SA833, V628, V630, V638, V639, V889, V890, X520, X688, X688-2sim, X689, X689+, X698, X716, X827, X941, Y690, other
    Semobi: T1, other
    Sentel: 81, other
    SerteC: X3, other
    Seven: DR1, DS2, DS3, DS4, other
    SharedPhone: SPI006, other
    ShengBao: 98+, 98++, A1000, other
    Sheng-Bao: 98+, other
    Shen-Matel: V7+, other
    Siba: 2632, other
    Sict: GC007
    Sigma: 105, other
    Sigmatel: 3600, 5130, 6100, 6110, 7700, 800, 988+, E588, FXD, FXD-6100, FXD-9000, FXD-S22, FXD-S30, FXD-S77, FXD-T99i, FXD-TV60, H1, HXD3600, HXD-6700, LXD, N77A, Q7, S1, S18, S2, S22, S3, S3+, S30, S30i, S33, S4, S400, S5, S500, S66, S76, S77, S7700, S7700-GPRS, S7700-non-GPRS, S80, S80i, S81, S83, S88, S9, S90, S9000, S90i, S91, S92, S96, S98, Si, T2, T300, T33, T33+, T33i, T55, T66, T96, T99, T99+, T99i, V88, W333, W999, other
    Sigsong: S520, other
    Sillwanis: B7, other
    SilverCrest: SH100, other
    Silwanis: 6303, B777, X300, other
    Simbao: A800, A888, A890, A898, other
    Simtel: MStar, other
    Simtelep: G-Star, Mstar, other
    Singsong: S658, other
    Sino: V66, other
    Sinocom: K52
    Sking: 7100, D501, G7100, I9080, N309, S5888, S8, X2
    Sky: Cool-3.5, SK1
    SkyBee: 83RY, other
    Skyline: i6, other
    SkyMIX: 100, 300, other
    SkyPhone: 318, 606, other
    Skyway: GC800, other
    Skyworth: AK606, GMGB100, T508, other
    Slym: N718, N728, TV, other
    Smadl: D31, N96i, S610, other
    Smarj: S70, other
    Smart: G831, G850, S100, S200, S400, S-400, V555, V555-TwinCamera, V570, V800, V810, V840, other
    Smartphone: TQ-K902, other
    Smile: E6208, S1, other
    Snexian: M5022
    Snoy-Eriosscn: X5, other
    Soho: G700a, other
    Somtel: S2-03
    Sonaki: S888, other
    Song: A168, W668, other
    SongLive: C2000, X1, other
    Sonica: N8, other
    Sony-Edison: K810, other
    Soon-Ersson: K520i, K530i, K610i, K620i, other
    Sotel: C500, C5000, N82y+, N95Y, N95y+, other
    SouthEast: 818, other
    Sprint: 7700, 7710, D300, D44, P50, S60, other
    Spyker: C8-Laviolette
    Star: B11, GPS-X10, N8, other
    StarMobile: Muse, UpMax
    Start: M11, other
    Startech: ST21i, ST22, ST67, ST88, other
    Star-TV: GPS-X10, other
    StarWorks: M448, other
    ST-Mobile: S80, other
    Stoe: S400
    Stone: S400, S900
    Storm: K52
    Strawberry: Shine
    Strike: T915PC, other
    Suaahoo: S709, other
    Subini: MG532
    Sucee-Tong: 908, 918, 928, 928i, 998, other
    Sucom: X279
    Suiya: SY-08, SY-88, other
    Sumsang: 840, QS840, other
    Sun: N86, N87, N87i, N98, N99, other
    Sunberry: S55, other
    SunCorp: A68, other
    Sunforce: K600, K600i, K800, K800i, other
    Sunlup: DM8801, other
    Sunpa: S200, other
    Sunrise: T868, other
    SunSky: S27, other
    Suntec: E592, other
    Suntek: A200, other
    Suny-ericssom: Cyber-shot-P999, K770, K900, other
    SunyEricssun: T707, other
    SuperFone: SF-9080, other
    SVA: F08, other
    Svmsunc: i908, other
    Swaahoo: S709, S93, S95, S96, S97, other
    Swatch: M300, Nova-N800, other
    Swatch-Mobile: M300, other
    Swipe: Konnect-4E, Konnect-4EPL, Konnect-4EV2
    Symphony: A70, B12, B2, B2i, B31i, B32, B32i, B3i, B9, C100, C105, D24, D26, D31i, D40, D42, D45, D46i, D56i, D57, D60, D65, D67, E75, EX75, EX85, FT31, FT36i, FT42, FT45, FT46, GoFox-F15, H100, L15, L20, L22, L25, L30, M42, M82, S101, S103, S105, S200, S90, V70, W125, W130, W15i, W16, W18, W20, W21, W30, W32, W65i, W66, W67, W68, W69, W690Q, W71, W82, W85, W95, X94, ZIII, other
    Syntax: K11
    TAG: Heuer-RM267v, other
    Taixing: D008, other
    Tasen: US2
    Taxco: DM79, DM87, M5, TX12, TX60, W10, other
    TCell: S202
    Tecall: T200, T300, other
    Techno: T220, T630, X780i, other
    Tecmor: T222
    Tecnoshow: TC8898, other
    TeddyPhone: I3300, other
    Telcel: Z11, other
    Telefunken: TCP-002, other
    Telego: C3782, Q5, T6, T7, V808, W408, X1, X2, other
    Telsda: 319, 319+, 349, A318D, B1000, E65, i310, KQ108, T090, T915, TS617, TS627, TS637, other
    TengYu: N86, N98+, other
    Tesco: T3, other
    Tethin: S350, other
    Tevion: MD96110
    TEXET: TM-420, other
    Thin: K600+, K900+, other
    ThinMobile: K1+, K6+, other
    Thin-Mobile: K6+, other
    Thrus: D98, other
    TIA: TD20
    Tian-Wai: 508, other
    Tianxin: H003, H003+, other
    Tianyu: A699, B830, B832, M99, S655, X555, other
    Tichcell: A07, other
    Tiger: 7710, 7712+, 7718, KF928, other
    Tinmo: F2010, F800, F9, other
    Tintele: S2, TT-N1-Black, TT-N1-Gold, TT-V2, TT-V300, TT-V33, other
    TipTop: M11, T22, other
    Titan: V70, V71, other
    TOMSIM: C90E, other
    Tonga: M108
    Tonsin: MM79, other
    Top: S21, S23+, other
    Top1: V366, other
    Torque: D80, D90, Droidz-EAS, other
    Tosello: Spatola, other
    Toshibo: Q300, V118, V8, V9+, other
    Touch: 568, D300, other
    Touch-Diamond: Hi7, other
    TouchPhone: i9, other
    Trend: T100, T101, T181, T200, T300, T303, T450, T500, T505, T555, T786, other
    Trident: MB-1100, MB-700T-3, W-T8, other
    Trio: T1, Trendy-T1
    Trus: D98, D99, other
    TSD: T619, TD630, TS806, other
    TTK: 98, N82, other
    TTN: DSX-900, other
    TTN-Mobile: D530i, other
    TV: 6700, 7000, 7700, 868DQ, N99i, T88, other
    TvMobile: C702, G10, Q1, T737, T88, other
    TV-Mobile: A2688, AK09, C5000, S2, V702, other
    Twee: A579, ST88, other
    Twice: 1105i, other
    TWZ: TD8, other
    Ubislate: 7CZ
    UCOO: U38, other
    Ufo: 833, 995, Digital-Mobile, other
    Ultra-Slim: M9, other
    Unistar: U61, U925, other
    Upptel: V700, other
    UP-Tec: TV-Mobile, other
    UTEC: S898, other
    Vaic: A1900, A618, Strike-TV-Mobile, T800, other
    Vaio: 5MP, 7MP, A328, A447, A968, other
    Vandroid: S3c
    Vave: S70, other
    VCall: 829, V329, V850, V929, other
    Veeta: T18
    Vellcom: V07, VE07, VE-07, VE-09, VE-1209, X2-02
    Vell-Com: VE07, VE-1209
    Vemo: K630i, other
    Venus: C9000, S90, V300, V308, V800, V900, other
    Veon: A280, A48, A68, S303, T10, other
    Veptu: 8088, N888, N888c, N888i, other
    Vertice: C5+, other
    Verto: 899, other
    Veva: S90, other
    V-Fone: 328, other
    Vgotel: i100, i200, i210, i3, i400, i7, Ocean1, P2, P4, P5, Venture-V2
    Victor: VG811, VM09, VM13, VM5, VM92, other
    Videocon: A15+, A16, A29, A29F, A45, F290, V1300, V1305, V1306, V1402, V1403, V1405, V1420, V1422, V1455, V1521, V1523, V1534+, V1555, V1560, V1561, V1565, V1585, V1602, V1604, V1675, V1750, vPhone, Z40, other
    Vigo: V20, other
    Vigoo: C3000, K791, K902, K918, Xpress-Music-K918, other
    Vigy: Mini, other
    Vimaxx: V88, other
    Viniy: 1500
    Vinko: G3, IP6, NX2000, Z10
    Violet: Pad-V
    VirtuV: V989, other
    Vision: H8, other
    Vitell: V212, V222, V720, V907, other
    Viva: Q201, other
    VL: F640, other
    Voice: Q7, V10, V10i, V120, V121, V130, V144, V15, V150, V155, V160, V174, V175, V177, V180, V190, V20, V21, V22, V30, V40, V41, V440, V540, V550, V555, V666, V70, V750, V80, V9, V950, XTreme-V14, XTreme-V15, XTreme-V25, XTreme-V60, XTreme-X3, other
    Voice-Mobile: V31, V45, V51, other
    Vox: Kick-K5
    Voxx: V9
    VS&ME: V300, other
    Vtouch: V7101
    Wailung: N82+, other
    Walton: C2, EF2, F5, Primo-C2, Primo-D1, Primo-D2, Primo-E1, Primo-E3, Primo-F2, Primo-GH2, Primo-GM, Primo-H3, RX2, X1
    Watch: Q2, other
    WatchPhone: A007, Apoda, M500, M800, M801, M810, V2, W08, W688+, Z5000, Z5100, Z5200, other
    WBT: N8, other
    Wellcom: BM1, DM1, DM2, DM3, DM5, DM8, L358, L388, SM1, W110, W111, W310, W310LCD, W330, W350, W501, W503, W520, W538, W801, W803, W810, W811, W818, W818FM, W818LCD, W819, W820, W829, W838, W910, W920, W930, W9339, W980, other
    Wemo: T900, other
    Wentto: DG699, other
    Western: D110, D50, D55, D60, D80
    WhiteCherry: BL2000, other
    Widetel: WT-T600, other
    Wiko: Lenny, Lubi2, Rainbow
    Wing: M22, M24, REX90, V55
    Winmax: W105, W108, W15, W201, W207, W50, W800, WX12, Wx13
    Winstar: W100, W300, W305, W5, W666, W777, W90, W903
    Wintouch: M701
    WND: 2200, other
    Wootel: W200
    WTB: N8-Mini, other
    W-Tide: 6620i, other
    Wyncomm: Storm, W416
    Wynncom: Y20, other
    XCite: 415, other
    XDF: N58, other
    XDS: V890, W890, other
    XED: X689, other
    XEN: XN501, other
    Xiami: Note
    XiMax: A638, other
    XinBao: 2632, 2638, other
    Xingtai: 338, other
    Xingtong: 5700, other
    Xingya: L08, other
    Xintai: T800+, T800i, T900, other
    XinTaio: T800+, other
    XKSSTEL: S3+, S4, X11, X12, X16, X200, X300, other
    Xltel: C788, S990
    X-Max: X1000, other
    Xolo: 1010i, A500-Club, A500s, A700, B700, Era-W3015, Omega-5.0, Omega-5.5, Q1001, Q1020, Q1200, Q2500, Q500s, Q610, Q800
    Xperia: X10, other
    Xpress: X12, X20
    XT: T600, other
    XTelecom: X3128, X3128+, X3128B, X9118, X9128, X9138, X918, X9199, other
    Xtouch: PL73, X405
    X-Touch: PL78
    XTreme: X2
    XTTel: C3000+, C5000+, C7000+, other
    Xunchi: 138, other
    Yangfan: HK008, other
    Yarvik: SMP53-210
    YaXing: E50, V800, V808, other
    Yes-Optus: D736
    YessBoss: E440
    Yestel: 306, 308, 5S, 5-TS, 630, 808, Asha-306, Asha-308, Java-N200, L925, Lumia-630, Lumia-808, M311
    Yicheer: A5899, other
    Yingtai: TV2000, TV7000, other
    Yin-Ma: K100, other
    Y-King: Y102
    YoYo: Y1
    Yuwin: E9, other
    Yxtel: A2202, A301, A85, C8, C802, C9, C900, C910, C930, E71i, E88, G009, K002, M66, Q636, W666, X88, other
    Zen: CG555, M11, M25, M7, M72, M9, Mini, P35, P36, P37, Ultrafone-501, UltraFone-U303, X12, X13, X4, X400, Z66, other
    Zetel: N82y, N95y, N95Y+, N96y, other
    Zigo: Eon-32i
    Zingtong: 5700, other
    ZLT: X88
    ZMC: A100, other
    ZMEM: 1075
    Zodia: F1, Z55m, other
    Zogo: V809, other
    Zoho: 5800, G700, S859+, S98+, V88+, W9, other
    Zook: H6
    Zoom: Z100i, other
    ZR: M66, other
    ZT: 1689, 2688, 303, 3188, 321, 326, 5188, 579, 588, 6618, 6668, 710, 777, 8118, 9198, 999, C600, C92+, K699, MI3, N6168, Q7, V918, other
    ZTC: 111, 1196, 168, 1688, 169, 2009, 268, 369, 444, 528, 532, 555, 588, 618, 6500, 6588, 660, 6618, 6628, 663, 666, 6688, 699, 777, 777i, 778, 787, 818, 8188, 866, 868, 958, A108, A168, A231, A281, A287, A5, A688, A818, A838, A868, A898, A990, B280i, C10000, C118, C2000, C300, C600, C900, D1100, D1110, D1112, D1117, D1120, D1200, D828, DC818, DC888, DY579, DY579+, E550, E71TV+, E86, F1, F16B, F480, F688, F882, F897, H18, H5, H668, H688, H998, IP9300, JC599, K118+, K119, K127, K600, K650, K650i, K700, K900, K900+, K910, L101+, L99, LV918, M1, M608, M618, M8800, M98, M99, N100, N101, N107, N328, N328-blueteech, N329, N38, N39, N6128, N689, N82, N880, N880+, N95, P8500, Q530, Q531, S500, S508, S508+, S600+, S7, S888, SL88, SlimPhone, T118, T518, T58, T63, T63i, T64, T699, T85, T85e, T88, T88i, TV200, TV8, TV88, V66, V795, V800, V8i, X668, X668+, Y200, ZT003, ZT009, ZT018, ZT019, ZT11, ZT123, ZT1588, ZT1598, ZT160, ZT168, ZT1689, ZT169, ZT188, ZT199, ZT2000, ZT2006, ZT2008, ZT2087, ZT2088, ZT2180, ZT268, ZT2688, ZT303, ZT3188, ZT321, ZT321-6226, ZT321-6228, ZT321-TVmobile, ZT325, ZT326, ZT33, ZT3328, ZT508, ZT511, ZT5168, ZT5188, ZT528, ZT5680, ZT5688, ZT58, ZT580, ZT582, ZT588, ZT588+, ZT608, ZT6099, ZT6588, ZT6618, ZT6618-PDA, ZT6628, ZT666, ZT6668, ZT668, ZT6688, ZT6698, ZT6699, ZT678, ZT68, ZT698, ZT699, ZT710, ZT8008, ZT8088, ZT8089, ZT8099, ZT8118, ZT8188, ZT82, ZT8380, ZT86, ZT868, ZT8800, ZT8828, ZT8828+, ZT888, ZT8886, ZT8898, ZT8899, ZT89, ZT890, ZT8900, ZT898, ZT918, ZT9198, ZT928, ZT9288, ZT968, ZT988, ZT989, ZT999, ZT999e, ZTM608, ZTN329, ZT-N6128, ZTS508, other
    ZYQ: Q638, other


  • Standalone software, no internet connections required
  • Remove SP lock, network lock, provider lock
  • Fast high speed flashing
  • Write and component of flash separately
  • Imei repair
  • Write language packs, customization area
  • Remove or clear User lock (phone code)
  • Reset phone settings to defaults (factory state)
  • Repar dead phones, software related issues
  • Empty board flashing (e.g. after flash chip replacement)
  • Make security zone backup during critical operations
  • Huge database of flash files for all phone

Infinity box dongle - package content

  • 1 x Infinity-box dongle
  • Support area access with software, flash files, manuals, updates, etc
  • Access to support forum


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